Category: Uncategorized

Weekly OHDSI Digest-March 15, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, March 16, 11 am ET) for a trio of research presentations on advances in patient-level prediction . • Jenna Reps will present “Best Practices for Prediction Using Observational Data” • Henrik

Weekly OHDSI Digest- March 1, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: This week’s OHDSI Community Call will feature breakout sessions on some important tools/processes for collaborative research: ETL, ATLAS and HADES. We’re thrilled to have some wonderful community leaders moderating these discussions. Clair Blacketer and Melanie Philofsky will lead our

Weekly OHDSI Digest- February 22, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: This week’s OHDSI Community Call will focus on ongoing COVID-19 research throughout the OHDSI community. We’re very excited to have a trio of community leaders to present Tuesday at 11 am ET: Kristin Kostka will discuss CHARYBDIS 2.0, Daniel

Weekly OHDSI Digest-February 15, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: This week’s OHDSI Community Call will focus on the European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN). You can expect to hear about all about this exciting partner of the OHDSI community, including its growing data

Weekly OHDSI Digest-February 8, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: We are very excited about tomorrow’s OHDSI Community Call (11 am ET), with a focus on “Welcome To The Journey.” While we think it will be useful for everybody, our major goal is to help

Weekly OHDSI Digest-February 1, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: It continues to be exciting to see so many people join our Tuesday Community Calls at 11 am ET on MSTeams. This Tuesday will focus on open-source tools for cohort definition. We are excited to hear from

Weekly OHDSI Digest – January 25, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: It was so exciting to see so many new people — as well as our familiar faces, of course — at least week’s Tuesday Community Call at 11 am ET on MSTeams. This Tuesday, leaders from

Weekly OHDSI Digest- January 18, 2021

WEEKLY MEETINGS Weekly Community Call: Thank you to everybody who joined our 2021 kickoff call last week. We will continue to hold our community calls at the new time of 11 am ET on Tuesdays. Tomorrow’s format will include breakout sessions

Weekly OHDSI Digest- January 11, 2021

OHDSI STATEMENT ON COVID-19 OHDSI is committed to doing what it can to support and inform the COVID-19 pandemic response, and will prioritize activities aligned to this effort. As we adjust to the current global situation, the OHDSI community will continue

Weekly OHDSI Digest- January 4, 2021

OHDSI STATEMENT ON COVID-19 OHDSI is committed to doing what it can to support and inform the COVID-19 pandemic response, and will prioritize activities aligned to this effort. As we adjust to the current global situation, the OHDSI community will continue
