James Gilbert
Manager in Epidemiology Analytics
Janssen Research & Development
James Gilbert (aka jpg) is a Manager in Epidemiology Analytics within the Epidemiology department at Janssen Research & Development. James is an experienced Software Engineer and Bioinformatician having achieved his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Loughborough University in 2011 before achieving his PhD in Systems Biology at The University of Nottingham in 2015, researching complex biological networks. James then worked for the Nottingham Synthetic Biology Research Center, where he helped build software tools and computational models to aid the engineering of bacteria to produce fine chemicals and biofuels from waste products.
James joined OHDSI in 2020 and now actively develops applications for the HADES suite of software tools and develops large scale systems for population level effect estimation with a specific focus on developing methods for drug repurposing.
Born and raised in the UK, James now makes home in Whistler, British Columbia where he loves to ski, run, hike and mountain bike.
Teneralli, Rachel E., David M. Kern, M. Soledad Cepeda, James P. Gilbert, and Wayne C. Drevets. “Exploring real-world evidence to uncover unknown drug benefits and support the discovery of new treatment targets for depressive and bipolar disorders.” Journal of Affective Disorders 290 (2021): 324-333.
Kern, David M., Rachel E. Teneralli, Christopher M. Flores, Gayle M. Wittenberg, James P. Gilbert, and M. Soledad Cepeda. “Revealing Unknown Benefits of Existing Medications to Aid the Discovery of New Treatments for Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice (2021).
Gilbert, James, Nicole Pearcy, Rupert Norman, Thomas Millat, Klaus Winzer, John King, Charlie Hodgman, Nigel Minton, and Jamie Twycross. “Gsmodutils: a python based framework for test-driven genome scale metabolic model development.” Bioinformatics 35, no. 18 (2019): 3397-3403.