Paola Saroufim, PharmD, MPH
Research Scientist
Institute for Computational Biology, Case Western Reserve University
Website: http://www.icompbio.net/
Paola Saroufim, PharmD, MPH, is a research scientist and assistant clinical director of population health with the Institute for Computational Biology (ICB), a collaboration between Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), University Hospitals Health System of Cleveland, and the Cleveland Clinic. She supports clinical and population-based research through the application of innovative health informatics methods to a wide variety of biomedical data sources.
Her work includes collaboratively building the data infrastructure required to support research for various conditions, including ophthalmology diseases – particularly glaucoma – as well as gynecological cancer. In addition, she is working with members of the ICB team on building a de-novo database for a regional cancer and health disparities project. She is also involved in the ICB’s efforts of mapping patient data from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center to the OMOP (Observational Medical Outcome Partnership) common data model in order to facilitate large observational studies. In this capacity, she is responsible for collaborating with hospital clinical and research colleagues to ensure that patient clinical data is accurately captured for observational research purposes and cohort phenotyping tools are used. She also is involved in implementing a searching/indexing tool at ICB partnering hospitals, and introducing these capabilities and functions across the Cleveland collaborative research enterprise. Saroufim represents the ICB within the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) community and is an active member of the OHDSI collaborators, THEMIS and pharmacovigilance working groups. She is also part of the ICB team that has partnered with the Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center where her specific research projects with the Infectious Disease department focus on antibiotic use for treatment and prophylaxis.
Saroufim received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Lebanese American University and her Master of Public Health degree from CWRU’s department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. She is pursuing a Master of Science in Healthcare Management at the Weatherhead School of Management at CWRU.