Melanie Philofsky, RN, MS
Senior Business & Data Analyst
Odysseus Data Services
Melanie Philofsky is a Senior Business & Data Analyst with Odysseus Data Services, Inc. She is responsible for the harmonization of various healthcare data sources into the OMOP Common Data Model to support research endeavors. Her areas of expertise include clinical informatics, data analysis, data quality, ETL conversions, EHR data, the OMOP CDM and data modeling of new domains. Prior to earning her MS in Healthcare Informatics, she was an ICU RN. She knows and understands the clinical workflow and UI of an EHR system to the backend where data is pulled for transformation to the OMOP CDM.
Melanie is the EHR working group lead and a collaborator in the CDM/Vocabulary working group, Symposium Planning Committee and Themis.