Martin Lavallee
PhD Student
Virginia Commonwealth University
I am a Biostatistics Ph.D. student at VCU in Richmond Virginia. I began working on OHDSI related projects in October 2017 while contracting with Bayer Healthcare Inc. My previous OHDSI projects include: the development of an OHDSI study package in R to evaluate the Temporal Pattern Discovery method of signal detection in electronic medical records for the drug-outcome combination of statins and rhabdomyolysis, providing the R code for an algorithm to improve the efficiency of querying temporal data from a DBMS for the TPD method with LTS Consulting LLC, and attending and participating in the 2018 OHDSI F2F. My current research interest is to continue studying signal detection methods for electronic medical records in OMOP format and evaluating the performance of these different data mining methods using positive and negative controls. I have only started my OHDSI journey and am looking to define my research as I progress through my biostatistics Ph.D. at VCU. Previously, I received an MS in statistics from Rutgers University and my BA from Hamilton College. Please feel free to contact me via email.