Lewis Frey, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Science
Biomedical Informatics Center
Medical University of South Carolina
Dr. Frey develops novel algorithms and information systems for the purpose of discovery and data integration applicable to precision medicine. His work on virtual machine deployments in networks in pediatrics showed improvements in data consistency in heterogeneous pediatric intensive care units tasked with improving care for children with severe injury and illness. The approach utilizes standardized data representations and metadata management for coordinating data collection at multiple sites. He develops and does research with the Clinical Personalized Pragmatic Prediction of Outcomes (Clinical3PO) big data system being deployed at the Veterans Affairs Informatics and Computing Infrastructure (VINCI). Clinical3PO is core data representation is the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership common data model. He is extending work being done on the NIH big data grant for Clinical3PO and deploying it within typical healthcare networks at the Medical University of South Carolina and Christiana Care in Delaware. The approach can be used for deep phenotyping, which includes defining patient cohorts from time series data, and is a key advancement for precision medicine research. He chaired the 2015 Translational Bioinformatics Summit in San Francisco with a theme of precision medicine and is a guest editor for a special issue on Precision Medicine Informatics for the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Frey LJ, Lenert L, Lopez-Campos G. (2014). EHR Big Data Deep Phenotyping. Yearb Med Inform, 9, 206-211.
Frey LJ, Sward KA, Newth CJL, Khemani, RG, Cryer ME, Thelen JL, Enriquez R, Shaoyu S, Pollack MM, Harrison RE, Meert KL, Berg RA, Wessel DL, Shanley TP, Dalton H, Carcillo J, Jenkins TL, Dean JM. (2015). Virtualization of Open Source Secure Web Services to Support Data Exchange in a Pediatric Critical Care Research Network. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Luo G, Frey LJ. (2015) Efficient Execution Methods of Pivoting for Bulk Extraction of Entity-Attribute-Value-Modeled Data. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform.