Hamed Abedtash


Hamed Abedtash, PharmD, PhD
Research Scientist – Real World Evidence
Global Patient Outcome Real World Evidence (GPORWE), Eli Lilly & Company

Dr. Abedtash is Informatics Research Scientist at Eli Lilly. He is a Doctor of Pharmacy, and holds PhD in biomedical and health informatics from Indiana University. Dr. Abedtash’s research interests are in the areas of semantic network, common data model (CDM), interoperability of CDMs, medical data analytics, visualization of health outcome data, and modeling big medical data for capturing new insights about patient outcome. He is currently involved in several OHDSI workgroups including Common Data Model and Pharmacovigilance Evidence Investigation.

Abedtash H, Duke JD (2016). CCD2OMOP: An Interoperable Extract-Transform-Load Package to Support the Implementation of OHDSI Software Tools Across Non-OMOP-based Electronic Health Records. OHDSI 2016, Washington, DC.

Abedtash H, Duke JD (2015). An Interoperable Electronic Medical Record-Based Platform for Personalized Predictive Analytics. OHDSI 2015, Washington, DC.

Abedtash A, Holden RJ (2017). Systematic review of the effectiveness of health-related behavioral interventions using portable activity sensing devices (PASDs). Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(5), 1002–1013.


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