Evan Sholle, MS
Manager, Research Informatics Services
Weill Cornell Medicine
I am an informatics professional and researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine. In my primary, operational role, I work with a team of analysts and software developers to coordinate clinical and translational research informatics efforts at WCM, liaising with investigators directly to determine their requirements and matching them with the appropriate tools and services (including OHDSI tools) that best meet their needs. Our group maintains a master OMOP instance including both inpatient and outpatient data for approximately 3 million WCM patients, as well as multiple sub-instances (provided as views) for specific patient cohorts. This data also feeds WCM’s contributions to the INSIGHT network (aka the NYC-CDRN) and the All of Us program.
In my role as a researcher, I am primarily interested in secondary use of electronic health record data for several, specific applications, including but not limited to: response assessment in hematologic malignancies, health disparities research, and social determinants of health.
Sholle ET, Kabariti J, Johnson SB, Leonard JP, Pathak J, Varughese V, Cole CL, Campion TR Jr. Secondary Use of Patients’ Electronic Records (SUPER): an approach for meeting specific data needs of clinical and translational researchers. AMIA Annu Symp Proc.2017
Sholle ET, Krichevsky S, Scandura JM, Sosner C, Campion TR Jr. Lessons learned in the development of a computable phenotype for response in myeloproliferative neoplasms. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), New York City, NY, USA, 2018, pp. 328-331.
Turner SP, Pompea ST, Williams KL, Kraemer DA Jr, Sholle ET, Chen C, Cole CC, Kaushal R, Campion TR Jr. Implementation of informatics to support the NIH All of Us research program in a healthcare provider organization. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2019 (in press)
Sholle ET, Davila MA, Lee K, Pathak J, Campion TR Jr. Extension of the ACHILLES heel data quality assessment framework from OMOP to i2b2. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2019 (in press)