Anna Ostropolets, MD PhD
Associate Director, Janssen Research and Development
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Anna Ostropolets is Associate Director at Janssen Research and Development, a Johnson & Johnson Company where she is working on the methods to advance observational research for medical products safety. More broadly, as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Informatics at Columbia University and a long-standing OHDSI collaborators she designs, builds and disseminates framework, approaches and tools for minimizing bias in observational research with a specific focus patient phenotyping. Some notable examples include Phoebe – approach for comprehensive code selection and KEEPER – an alternative for chart review.
Anna has been a member of the OHDSI Vocabulary Team since 2016, designing and engineering ontologies for the community (RxNorm Extension and ATC-RxNorm joint hierarchy). Since 2022 she is leading OHDSI Vocabulary improvement initiative focused on improving quality, fit-for-use and transparency of the OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies.
Anna received her medical degree and completed her residency in Kharkiv National Medical University. Before joining Janssen, she worked as Director, Head of Innovation Lab in Odysseus Data Services coordinating business intelligence initiative for harmonization and visualization of real-world data.
A. Ostropolets, Y. Albogami, M. Conover, J. Banda, et al., “Reproducible variability: Assessing investigator discordance across nine research teams attempting to reproduce the same observational study,” JAMIA, 2022.
A. Ostropolets, X. Li, R. Makadia, G. Rao, et al., “Factors Influencing Background Incidence Rate Calculation: Systematic Empirical Evaluation Across an International Network of Observational Databases,” Frontiers in pharmacology, 2022.
A. Ostropolets, P. A. Elias, M. V. Reyes, E. Y. Wan et al., “Metformin is associated with a lower risk of atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias compared with sulfonylureas: an observational study,” Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 2021.
A. Ostropolets, P. Zachariah, P. Ryan, R. Chen, and G. Hripcsak, “Data Consult Service: Can
we use observational data to address immediate clinical needs?,” Journal of the American Medical
Informatics Association, 2021.
A. Ostropolets, P. Talapova, M. De Wilde, H. Abedtash, et al., “High-Fidelity Combined ATC-Rxnorm Drug Hierarchy for Large-Scale Observational Research”, MedInfo 2023 proceedings, 2023
A. Ostropolets, G. Hripcsak, S. Husain, L. Richter, et al., “Scalable and interpretable alternative to chart review for phenotype evaluation using standardized structured data from electronic health records,” JAMIA, 2024
The Medical Deconfounder: Assessing Treatment Effect with Electronic Health Records (EHRs). L Zhang, Y Wang, A Ostropolets, JJ Mulgrave, DM Blei, G Hripcsak arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.02098
A community-driven accelerator from Precision Medicine research to bedside applications. I Drakos et al., OHDSI Symposium 2019
Combining the ATC Drug Classification System with the RxNorm Drug Nomenclature into a comprehensive Drug Ontology: Challenges and Achievements. A Ostropolets, H Abedtash, P Rijnbeek, O Marushchak, C Reich. OHDSI Symposium 2019
Concept Heterogeneity in the OHDSI Network. A Ostropolets et al. OHDSI symposium 2019
Investigating female-male differences in risk factors for myocardial infarction using OHDSI tools. A Ostropolets, L Zhang, JJ Mulgrave, G Hripcsak. AMIA Annual Symposium 2019
An OMOP-based tool for surveying and visualizing concurrent drug exposure and renal function. B Skov Kaas-Hansen et al., OHDSI Symposium Europe 2019
SNOMED Extension – filling gaps for mapping conditions. D Dymshyts, A Ostropolets, C Reich, R Belenkaya. OHDSI Symposium Europe 2018
Comprehensive procedure hierarchy. D Dymshyts, A Ostropolets, C Reich, V Huser. OHDSI Symposium Europe 2018
Improvement of cancer diagnosis representation in OMOP CDM. D Dymshyts, A Ostropolets, C Reich, R Belenkaya, M Gurley. OHDSI Symposium 2018
Variability of Drug Attributes in the US Market (RxNorm) compared to selection of Worldwide Market (RxNorm Extension). D Dymshyts, A Ostropolets, C Reich. OHDSI Symposium 2017
International RxNorm Extension – to support the expansion of the OHDSI research network beyond the US.
D Dymshyts, A Ostropolets, C Reich. OHDSI Symposium 2016