Alex. PA Nguyen

Alex. PA Nguyen
Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate Institute of Data Science, College of Management
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Alex PA. Nguyen, Ph.D., is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Graduate Institute of Data Science in Taipei Medical University (TMU) in Taiwan. He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Healthcare Information and Management Department at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan. He is a member of the OHDSI Taiwan Chapter.
Alex has 10+ years of experience in Healthcare Informatics, has developed HIT products, and implemented HIT projects for clients from enterprise to ministry. Project scope has been covered in different levels (from small to huge; from enterprise to national level); it is defined in fields such as ICT, Healthcare. Especial, Alex has many lessons learned when he has faced the complex matters of the project in several roles (engineering, researcher, manager, and so forth). It is a valued experience to help him to manage projects successfully.
Alex holds a Bachelor of Engineering of Science (Major in Information Technology) from Hanoi Open University, Hanoi, Vietnam. Afterward, I graduated as a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biomedical Informatics at National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.