The Book of OHDSI, published in 2019, has been one of the most widely accessed educational tools within the community. It was recently announced that Christian Reich and Sarah Seager are leading an initiative to publish a second edition of the Book of OHDSI, featuring updated content and new chapters. Please join our March 11 community call (11 am ET) and take part in a community brainstorm about what should be included in this edition, and how to get it done.
Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.
Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI
Congratulations to the team of Yi Chai, Ivan C. H. Lam, Kenneth K. C. Man, Joseph F. Hayes, Eric Y. F. Wan, Xue Li, Celine S. L. Chui, Wallis C. Y. Lau, Xiaoyu Lin, Can Yin, Min Fan, Esther W. Chan, Ian C. K. Wong & Hao Luo on the recent publication of Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19 within 2 years: a multinational cohort study in BMC Medicine.
The Industry WG is hosting an industry specific studaython (potential dates are May or June) and is looking for input on who might be interested and what dates work best. If you are a member of the Industry WG or are considering joining the team, please fill out this survey by the end of this week.
• Christian Reich and Sarah Seager are leading an effort to publish a second edition of the Book of OHDSI, which will include updates to previous text and new paragraphs/chapters. This work is taking place within the Education workgroup; if you would like to join this effort, please sign up here.
• Leaders from over 30+ workgroups presented opportunities for all community members to find a home for their talents and passions. Newcomers and veterans can both make meaningful contributions to our community by collaborating in workgroups. Throughout February, workgroup representatives shared the mission, recent achievements and 2025 goals. You can find those presentations and see if there is a home for you on our workgroups homepage.
• Asieh Golozar announced that the iCAN mNSCLC Studyathon 2025 will be held March 25-28 I Helsinki, Finland, and the focus is “Exploring the Real-World Treatment Landscape of mNSCLC.” The event will focus on characterizing real-world treatment patterns of metastatic NSCLC, with a focus on the adoption and impact of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) across different regions. Reach out to Asieh Golozar (golozar@ohdsi.org) for more information or if you wish to contribute.
• Hongfang Liu will lead a talk on ‘A Translational Science Framework in Advancing Healthcare AI’ on March 27 at 11 am ET as part of The Center for Advanced Healthcare Research Informatics (CAHRI) at Tufts Medicine seminar series. Please contact Marty Alvarez at malvarez2@tuftsmedicalcenter.org for calendar invite or questions.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 7-9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
• Registration is open for the Europe Symposium, which will be held July 5-7 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. More information is available later in this newsletter.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
Monday — Adopting the OMOP Oncology CDM at the Helsinki University Hospital (Valtteri Nieminen)
Tuesday — ETIng from your OMOP CDM to your OMOP CDM? An efficient solution to vocabulary migration (Clair Blacketer)
Wednesday — Comparative Analysis of OMOP CDM Database Profiles Across Institutions and Future Research Implications (Haeun Lee)
Thursday — Atlas2AoU: Enabling Comparison of OHDSI Phenotype Library Phenomic Profiles in All of Us and the UK Biobank (Abigail Newbury)
Friday — Measuring Severe Maternal Morbidity: A Pilot OHDSI Electronic Health Record Network Study (Stephanie Leonard)
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Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community