Please join us Tuesday, Feb. 18 (11 am ET) for our third session of Workgroup OKR announcements and Phenotype Phebruary updates. Week 3 of Phenotype Phebruary is dedicated to evaluating cohorts using CohortDiagnostics for the phenotypes that will be used in the guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented last month. We also will hear about the 2025 objectives and key results (OKRs) from the following workgroups: Databricks, Dentistry, Eye Care and Vision Research, Generative AI and Foundational Models in Healthcare (GenAI), HADES, Latin America, Medical Imaging, OHDSI APAC, Psychiatry, Transplant.
Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.
Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI
Congratulations to the team of Alicia Abellan, Edward Burn, Nhung T. H. Trinh, Theresa Burkard, Alison Callahan, Sergio Fernández-Bertolín, Eimir Hurley, Clara Rodriguez, Elena Segundo, Daniel R. Morales, Hedvig M. E. Nordeng, and Talita Duarte-Salles on the recent publication of Expanding the OMOP Common Data Model to Support Perinatal Research in Network Studies in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety.
• Congratulations to the team of Aurora Quaye, John DiPalazzo, Kristin Kostka, Janelle Richard, Blaire Beers-Mulroy, Meredith Peck, Robert Krulee, and Yi Zhang on the publication of Harmonizing population health data into OMOP common data model: a demonstration using COVID-19 sero-surveillance data from Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Frontiers in Digital Health.
Phenotype Phebruary continues this week, with a focus on evaluating cohorts using CohortDiagnostics for the phenotypes that will be used in the guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented last month. You can follow everything going on in Phenotype Phebruary and contribute wherever you can.
• The goal of the OHDSI Rare Disease Working Group is to advance the understanding and treatment of rare diseases by leveraging real-world data, uniting multidisciplinary experts, and developing innovative methodologies to improve patient outcomes and inform clinical decision-making. The workgroup has posted a brief interest survey to help shape a productive and collaborative community. Please fill out this survey by Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Save The Dates
• The 2025 OHDSI Global Symposium will return to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, N.J., on Oct. 7-9, 2025. More details will be shared when available.
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
Monday — Going global, redeeming the local: an innovative approach to implement the OMOP CDM in two countries of the Global South (Valentina Martufi)
Tuesday — A Computable Phenotype for HSV Anterior Uveitis: Operationalizing the SUN Classification Criteria (Brian Toy)
Wednesday — Comparative Evaluation of Methods for Defining Observation Periods in Healthcare Databases and Their Impact on Incidence Rate Estimates (Clair Blacketer)
Thursday — How Often: Large Scale Incidence Rate Calculation of Health Outcomes for Drugs Nested by Indication (Hsin Yi Chen)
Friday — FinOMOP Swarm Learning – Deep learning for patient-specific modelling of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Salma Rachidi)
Job Openings
• Monica Gerber shared a job opening for an Analytics Engineer at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. As an Analytics Engineer, you will collaborate with our data science team to design, build, and maintain multi-modal data models that integrate various data sources. Your work will support AI-driven research and translational data science use cases, helping to advance our scientific and technological goals. More information and an application link are available here.
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Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community