Phenotype Phebruary •
Daily Threads & What We Learned

“Phenotype Phebruary” was a community-wide initiative to both develop and evaluate phenotypes for health outcomes that could be investigated by the community. Patrick Ryan introduced this initiative in both a video presentation and a forum post, and each of the conversations around the “28 phenotypes for 28 days” are being held within the OHDSI forums.

This page will provide direct links to each forum post, which is where conversations around each specific phenotype should be held. The video on the right includes “phun phacts” shared about each phenotype during our weekly community calls. 

Daily Phenotype Phebruary Links

(future dates are subject to change)

Feb. 1Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Feb. 2Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Feb. 3Atrial Fibrillation
Feb. 4Multiple Myeloma
Feb. 5Alzheimer’s Disease
Feb. 6Hemorrhagic Events
Feb. 7Neutropenia
Feb. 8Kidney Stones
Feb. 9Delirium
Feb. 10Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Feb. 11Suicide Attempts
Feb. 12Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism
Feb. 13Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Feb. 14Hypertension (Video Description)
Feb. 15Acute Myocardial Infarction
Feb. 16Heart Failure
Feb. 17Cardiomyopathy
Feb. 18Multiple Sclerosis
Feb. 19Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Feb. 20Pulmonary Hypertension
Feb. 21Prostate Cancer
Feb. 22HIV
Feb. 23Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Feb. 24Anaphylaxis
Feb. 25Depression
Feb. 26Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Feb. 27Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Feb. 28Severe Visual Impairment And Blindness
Bonus • Acute Kidney Injury

Please be active in these discussions. What ways can you contribute?

1. Join the conversation

  • Discussions will be held on
  • Each day will be a new thread
  • Explore the definitions and review the results provided
  • Reply with your thoughts, reflections, insights and question

2. Evaluate the cohort definitions in your data

  • Execute cohort definitions and CohortDiagnostics in your CDM
  • Share insights you learn from your data on the forums
  • Share results to compile across the network on