Welcome To OHDSI

Global Collaboration • Standardized Analytics • Innovative Methods • Open Science

How does Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics — OHDSI, pronounced "Odyssey" — fulfill its mission of empowering a community to collaboratively generate the real-world evidence
that promotes better health decisions and better care?


950 Million+
Patient Records



We are a global community that includes more than 3,800 researchers from more than 83 nations across six continents.

Through the OMOP CDM, we have access to over 950 million de-identified patient records — nearly 12% of the world's population

We use systematic research methods and open-source tools to generate reliable, robust real-world evidence.

We believe in the core tenets of open science and collaboration.
We can make a difference by working together!

OHDSI developed and uses the OMOP Common Data Model, an open-source platform for observational research. This data model allows for the standardization of health data from various sources, allowing the analysis of large datasets from multiple sources in a consistent and reproducible manner. OHDSI has also produced a suite of open-source software packages that enables the community to translate that data into reliable evidence.

30+ Workgroups

Our workgroups present opportunities for all community members to find a home for their talents and passions, and make meaningful contributions.

Open-Source Tools

OHDSI offers a wide range of open-source tools to support various data-analytics use cases on observational patient-level data.

Symposiums & Activities

OHDSI Symposiums and other activities provide opportunities for collaborators to connect, share research and learn from each other.

OHDSI Annual Report

The annual Our Journey publication provides a high-level overview of all aspects of OHDSI, including research, publications & more.

Join Us At The 2024 OHDSI Global Symposium

Oct. 22-24 • New Brunswick, N.J. • Hyatt Regency Hotel

Please join us at the 2024 OHDSI Global Symposium this October. This event will include our annual collaborator showcase, as well as plenaries, tutorials, workgroup activities, networking opportunities, and plenty more. Collaborator Showcase submissions are being accepted through June 21 (8 pm ET). See the event homepage for more details and registration information. 

Keep up with the latest updates in the OHDSI community via our News & Updates page, @OHDSI on Twitter, OHDSI on LinkedIn, our YouTube page, and our monthly newsletter.

Everybody is invited to the weekly OHDSI community call, which takes place each Tuesday

at 11 am ET. These calls are meant to inform and engage through a variety of call formats, including presentations, workgroup updates, breakout sessions, publication announcements, tutorials, debates, and more.
