CHARYBDIS 2.0, Early SCYLLA Findings, Vaccine AESI Study Framework Discussed In OHDSI COVID-19 Research Presentation

OHDSI research on COVID-19, which began with a memorable global study-a-thon last March, continues to progress in various ways throughout the world. Leaders in three of the largest network studies on the disease joined the Feb. 23 OHDSI community call to provide updates on these projects.


Project CHARYBDIS (Characterizing Health Associated Risks, and Your Baseline Disease In SARS-COV-2) studies the disease natural history of COVID-19. It attempts to describe the baseline demographics, clinical characteristics, treatments, symptoms and outcomes of interest among individuals with COVID-19 overall and stratified by sex, age and specific comorbidities. Kristin Kostka (IQVIA) shared this update (see right) on the project, including a brief discussion on some topics of interest as the team prepares for CHARYBDIS 2.0.

CHARYBDIS Presentation Slides


Project SCYLLA (SARS-Cov-2 Large-scale Longitudinal Analyses) studies the comparative safety and effectiveness of treatments under evaluation for COVID-19 across an international observational data network. Daniel Prieto-Alhambra (University of Oxford) discussed the rationale of the study, went over some of the preliminary findings (in this case, heparin vs. aspirin) and expected challenges of this work, and also discussed ways to build on the study moving forward in this presentation.

SCYLLA Presentation Slides

Vaccine AESI Study

Last year, OHDSI was awarded a $10 million contract from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide support to the Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) program. George Hripcsak (Columbia University) shared this presentation on community work researching COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) Background Rates. This presentation highlights the framework of the research, differences in the EMA/FDA protocols, outcomes being studied, early results, and more.

Vaccine AESI Study Presentation Slides
