Wanda Lattimore, MBA-HSM, BTM
Assistant Director
Projects, Data Governance, and Compliance
Cleveland Institute for Computational Biology
Case Western Reserve University
Wolstein Research Building, Room 6102B
2103 Cornell Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Email: wanda.lattimore@case.edu
Wanda Lattimore is an Assistant Director of Projects, Data Governance, and Compliance with the Cleveland Institute for Computational Biology (CICB), a collaboration between Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine, University Hospitals, and the Cleveland Clinic. She partners to support leadership in clinical and population health research through innovative informatics methods.
Her work includes collaboratively aiding project discovery and implementation, data governance policies and workflows, as well as compliance protocols. She is also involved in the CICB’s project efforts to map patient data from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center to the OMOP common data model. She is a collaborator of the CTSA (Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program) CD2H workshops and committee on evaluation and analytics, participating of the goals to develop innovative solutions to improve efficiency, quality and impact. In these capacities, she is responsible for collaborating with clinical and research colleagues to ensure that clinical data is accurately represented for research purposes. Wanda Lattimore represents the CICB within the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) community, is a participant of the OHDSI Symposium training, and a member of the OHDSI collaborators.
Wanda Lattimore’s healthcare administration and informatics career has spanned 28 years with dedication rooted in data integrity and quality. She has received her MBA with a concentration in Health Services Management, as well as her undergraduate Bachelor degree in Technical Management.