Five Published OHDSI Studies Presented At Recent Community Call; Publication Dashboard Created To Track Papers, Authors

Through the first five months of 2022, the OHDSI community saw more than 40 studies published in peer-review journals that featured either the OMOP CDM or OHDSI tools, data networks and/or best practices. Five of these studies were presented during the June 14 OHDSI community call, including the first ever publication from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) workgroup.

Both video and slidedecks from each presentation are posted below. The call also introduced a new publication dashboard that is available to the community to track papers and authors from the community. This dashboard, which was developed by Paul Nagy and his team, is available here and within the menu atop the website (‘Publications’). A video description of the dashboard is also available below.

Analysis of Dual Combination Therapies Used in Treatment of Hypertension in a Multinational Cohort

Yuan Lu • Assistant Professor, Yale University

Factors Influencing Background Incidence Rate Calculation: Systematic Empirical Evaluation Across an International Network of Observational Databases

Anna Ostropolets • PhD Student, Columbia University

Logistic regression models for patient-level prediction based on massive observational data: Do we need all data?

Henrik John • PhD Student, Erasmus University 

Learning patient-level prediction models across multiple healthcare databases: evaluation of ensembles for increasing model transportability

Jenna Reps • Associate Director, Johnson & Johnson 

Prior-Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Accelerated Gibbs Sampling in “Large n, Large p” Bayesian Sparse Regression

Aki Nishimura • Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University 

New Publications Dashboard
(presented by Paul Nagy)
