Result of the ALCAPONE project: Identification of the best design for the assessment of drugs associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the French National Healthcare System database (SNDS)

Nicolas Thurin 1, 2, Régis Lassalle 1, Patrick Blin 1, Marine Pénichon 1, Martijn Schuemie 3, 4, Joshua J Gagne 5, Jeremy A. Rassen 6, Jacques Benichou 7, 8, Alain Weill 9, Cécile Droz-Perroteau 1, Nicholas Moore1, 2

1 – Bordeaux PharmacoEpi, INSERM CIC1401, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France; 2 – INSERM U1219; 3 – Epidemiology Analytics, Janssen Research and Development, Titusville, NJ, USA, 4 – OHDSI, New York, NY, USA; 5 – Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; 6 – Aetion, Inc., New York, NY, USA; 7 – Department of Biostatistics and Clinical Research, Rouen University Hospital Rouen, France; 8 – INSERM U1181; 9 – Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie, Paris, France


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ALPACONE Project Paper (Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety)