2024 Global Collaborator Showcase

Observational Data Standards & Management

1 – Application of OMOP Common Data Model to Disease Registry Data (Vojtech Huser, Maria Rogozhkina, Vlad Korsik, Teresa A. Simon, Peter Moorthamer, Dan Kiselev, Teresa A. Simon, Anastasia Vakhmistrova, Eugene Paulenkovich, Alexander Davydov, Michel Van Speybroeck)
2 – Best Practices for Developing Disease-Specific Federated Networks: Insights from a Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Study (Clair Blacketer, Frank DeFalco, Gowtham A Rao, Anna Sheahan, Michel Van Speybroeck, Martine Lewi, Federico Zazzetti)
3 – Standardizing Rare Disease Patient Registry data to the OMOP-CDM (Parag Shiralkar, Radhika Lakireddy, Sushma Ghanta, Sanket Kalyankar)
4 – PHederation – the federated network of Pulmonary Hypertension registries (Eva-Maria Didden, Valerie van Baalen, Michel van Speybroeck, Monika Brand)
5 – Lessons from mapping cancer information from European hospitals to ICD-O-3 conditions in OMOP (Lars Halvorsen, Olivier Bouissou, Elisabeth Ross, Stelios Theophanous, Joëlle Thonnard, Piers Mahon)
6 – SMEs optimization with high precision data ingestion of CAPriCORN CDM onto OMOP at AllianceChicago (Andrew Hamilton, Amro Hassan, Davera Gabriel, Guy Tsafnat)
7 – Process of Conversion of Ukrainian Medical Data to OMOP CDM Format (Bohdan Khilchevskyi, Denys Kaduk, Maksym Trofymenko, Polina Talapova, Tetiana Nesmiian, Max Ved, Inna Ageeva, Pavlova Olga, Holovko Tetiana, Shevchenko Natalia)
8 – An evaluation of the transformation of large German EHR database to OMOP CDM (Andreas Ochs, Milou Brand, Jack Brewster, Methosdios Typou, Meda Sandu, Joe Maskell, Meghan Pettine, Atif Adam, George Kafatos)
9 – Adopting the OMOP Oncology CDM at the Helsinki University Hospital (Valtteri Nieminen, Alexey Ryzhenkov, Johanna Sanoja, Salma Rachidi, Juho Lähteenmaa, Joonas Laitinen, Samu Eränen, Tomi Mäkelä, Eric Fey, Kimmo Porkka)
10 – Going global, redeeming the local: an innovative approach to implement the OMOP CDM in two countries of the Global South (Valentina Martufi, Emma Kalk, Enny S. Cruz, Juliana Araújo Prata de Faria, Adalton do Anjos Fonseca, Maurício L. Barreto, Maria Yury Travassos Ichihara, Jessica Gammon, Nicki Tiffin, Chris Fourie, Danilo Luis Cerqueira Dias, Denise Moraes Pimenta, Tsaone Tamuhla, Andrew Boulle, Themba Mutemaringa, Juan-Paul Hynek, Muzzammil Ismail, Julio Barbour Oliveira, Ricardo Felix Monteiro Neto, Júlia Pescarini, Fernanda Revoredo de Sousa, Marianne Costa e Silva Lage, Adam Loff, Melvin Moodley, Elzo Pereira Pinto Junior)
11 – Transforming Clinical Trial Data to the OMOP CDM (Cynthia Sung, Mike Hamidi, Zhen Lin, Tom Walpole, Rebecca Baker, Melissa Cook, Shital Desai, Priya Gopal, Dan Hartley, Vojtech Huser, Priya Meghrajani, Tra Nguyen, Paul Orona12, Katy Sadowski, Sebastiaan van Sandijk, Philip Solovyev, Ramona Walls, Kenneth J. Wilkins, Qi Yang)
12 – Streamlining Research Data Standardization: AI-READI Survey Instrument Data Elements and MoCA Measurement Data Elements are curated and mapped utilizing a Standardized Value Set Mapping Table for transformation into the OMOP Common Data Model (Stephanie S. Hong, James Cavallon, Yvette Chen, Monique Bangudi, Jessica Mitchell, Dawn Matthies, Steven Chamberlin, Aaron Cohen, Julie Owens, Abigail Lucero, Sally Baxter, Christopher G Chute, Cecilia S. Lee, Aaron Lee, AI-READI consortium)
13 – Institutionalizing data interoperability and the application of common data models in a health data and research center: CIDACS’ experience in Brazil (Valentina Martufi, Juliana Araújo Prata de Faria, Danilo Luis Cerqueira Dias, Elzo Pereira Pinto Junior, Roberto Carreiro, Pablo Ivan Ramos, Maurício L. Barreto)
14 – OMOP GIS Vocabulary Package for Observational Studies in Health Care and Public Health (Maksym Trofymenko, Polina Talapova, Andrew Williams)
15 – Enhancing Infectious Disease Data Integration and management through OMOP-CDM in South Korea (Min Ho An, Seok Kim, ByungJin Choi,Sooyoung Yoo,Rae Woong Park,Ji Seon Oh)
16 – FHIR to OMOP Cookbook – Mapping mCODE FHIR Resources for Observational Research (Qi Yang, Guy Livne, Sebastian van Sandijik, May Terry)
17 – Towards Reproducible Imaging Research: Implementation of DICOM to OMOP CDM (Woo Yeon Park, Ben Martin, Gabriel Salvador, Blake Dewey, Teri Sippel Schmidt, Paul Nagy)
18 – Leveraging UDI for Advanced Medical Device Tracking in OMOP-CDM (Seojeong Shin, Yiju Park, Sujeong Eom, Kyulee Jeon, Seng Chan You)
19 – Inclusion of intraocular pressure data into the University of California Health Data Warehouse (William Halfpenny*, Shahin Hallaj*, Ayan Patel, Catherine Q. Sun, Kerry Goetz, Michelle Hribar, Sally L. Baxter, on behalf of the OMOP Eye Care & Vision Research Workgroup)
20 – A Collaborative Analytic Enclave for the Metabolic Dysregulation and Obesity Cancer Risk Program (MeDOC) Consortium: Extensions of the OMOP Common Data Model for Translational Research (Madhan Subramanian, Nisha Grover, Maddie Wheeler, Marinella Temprosa)
21 – Expanding the OMOP Common Data Model to support Extracorporeal Life Support research (Clemens Rieder, Oleg Zhuk, Ahmed Said, Peta M.A. Alexander, Dominik J. Hoechter)
22 – ETIng from your OMOP CDM to your OMOP CDM? An efficient solution to vocabulary migration (Clair Blacketer, Anton Ivanov, Evanette Burrows, Dmitry Dymshyts, Frank DeFalco)
23 – Evaluating the impact of different vocabulary versions on cohort definitions and CDM (Dmitry Dymshyts, Frank DeFalco, Anna Ostropolets, Gowtham Rao, Azza Shoaibi, Clair Blacketer)
24 – Dynamic Mapping Tools: Keeping Up to Date with Vocabulary Changes (Melanie Philofsky, Hanan Sorrosh)
25 – End-to-End Implementation of a Workflow for Validating Semantic Mappings and Constructing Ontology Extensions (Jared Houghtaling, Polina Talapova, Soojin Park, Harry Caufield, Andrew Williams)
26 – Classification of RxNorm and RxNorm Extension Vaccine-related Terms in the Vaccine Ontology (Jie Zheng, Xingxian Li, Ellen Zhang, Warren Manuel, Rashmie Abeysinghe, Joy Hu, Yuping Zheng, Taiyu Lin, Katelyn Hur, Anna He, Yang Qi, Alexander Davydov, Anna Ostropolets, Anna Maria Masci, Junguk Hur, Licong Cui, Barry Smith, Yongqun He)
27 – Using Vaccine Ontology to Analyze and Integrate Vaccine Terms in N3C Dataset (Yuanyi Pan, Jie Zheng, Yongqun Oliver He)
28 – Harmonization of OMOP Drug and Device source concepts using ChatGPT-4o (David Davila-Garcia, Adam Wilcox)
29 – Enhancing Local Vocabulary into OMOP Vocabulary based on the Semi-Automated Framework: Korean EDI Case Study (Yiju Park, Jinwoo Yoon, Seojeong Shin, Oleg Zhuk, Anna Ostropolets, Seng Chan You)
30 – Medical Device Standard Terminology Overview, Comparison and Analysis (Asiyah Yu Lin, Michael Matheny, Andrew Williams, Seng Chan You)
31 – Common Data Elements for Maternal Health Research: An OMOP-CDM Concept Mapping Study (Andreea Creanga, Elizabeth Stierman, Carrie Wolfson, Benjamin Martin, Khyzer Aziz, Meighan Mary, Sarah Clifford, Amanda Burgess, Paul Nagy )
32 – Automating data standardization through ad hoc SNOMED modeling with LLM: proof of concept (Eduard Korchmar, Vojtech Huser, Christian Reich, Alexander Davydov)
33 – Who Wants To Be A 2Billionaire? – A methodology for migrating from STCM to C/CR (Roger Carlson, Matthew Phad, Samuel Martin)
34 – Moananuiakea: Enhancing the granularity of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander(NHPI) Data at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs using Unstructured data and an expanded Race/Ethnicity Lexicon (Benjamin Viernes, Patrick Alba, Qiwei Gan, Elizabeth E Hanchrow, Mengke Hu, Gregorio Coronado, Scott L Duvall, Kalani Raphael)
35 – Jackalope Plus Performance: Benchmarking and Competitors (Denys Kaduk, Bohdan Khilchevskyi, Maksym Trofymenko, Tetiana Nesmiian, Polina Talapova, Max Ved, Inna Ageeva)
36 – Gap Analysis of Static Automated Perimetry Concept Representation in OMOP CDM (Shahin Hallaj, William Halfpenny, Niloofar Radgoudarzi, Michael V. Boland, Swarup S. Swaminathan, Sophia Y. Wang5, Benjamin Y. Xu, Dilru C. Amarasekera, Brian Stagg, Michelle Hribar, Kaveri A. Thakoor, Kerry E. Goetz, Jonathan S. Myers, Aaron Y. Lee, Mark A. Christopher, Linda M. Zangwill, Robert N. Weinreb, Sally L. Baxter)
37 – Hierarchical Algorithms for Querying Physiologically Distinct Groups in Adult Congenital Heart Disease Using OMOP CDM (Seohu Lee, Jong Ko, Haeun Lee, Ari Cedars)
38 – Characterizing Phenotype Descriptions in All of Us Publications (Emily Clark, Matthew Spotnitz, Lew Berman, John Giannini, Yechiam Ostchega, Lakshmi Priya Anandan)
39 – A Computable Phenotype for HSV Anterior Uveitis: Operationalizing the SUN Classification Criteria (Brian Toy, Edward Lee, Andrew Kim, Edmund Tsui, Jessica Shantha, Kareem Moussa, Karen Armbrust, William Rojas Carabali, Rupesh Agrawal, Kiana Tavakoli)
40 – A Computable Phenotype for Time Toxicity of Elective Tracheostomy (Abigail Martin, Ben Martin, Jen Park, Khyzer Aziz)
41 – Evaluating Synthea: Comprehensive Analysis of a Leading Synthesized Medical Record Generator (Zach Wagner, Clair Blacketer)
42 – A Systematic and Sustainable Solution for Assessing Network Data Quality (Kimberley Dickinson, Kaleigh Wieand, Charles Bailey, Hanieh Razzaghi)
43 – Scaling the OHDSI Common Data Model into Large Enterprises – Insights from the DoD Military Health System (Jesus J Caban)
44 – OMOP on a Data Lake: Addressing the Critical Need for Scalable Solutions in Healthcare Data Management with OHDSI Tools and AWS Services (Lance Eighme, Lisa McEwen, Simon White, Tobias Cauoette, Oliver Tucher, Anna Swigart )
45 – Constructing an Enriched Clinical Knowledge Graph: Transforming EHR Data to OMOP and Modeling in Neo4j Graph Database (Thejas Bharadwaj, Eshna Sengupta)
46 – Building OHDSI with Privacy Computing in Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University (Changran Wang, Lei Liu, Feizhen Wu, Li Lin)
47 – Enabling Clinical Trial Feasibility and Patient Finding Through the Use of the OMOP CDM (Mui Van Zandt, Jason Hsu, Alex Nguyen, Gyeol Song, Sabrina Cheema, Michael Krupnick)
48 – Leveraging the Power of OMOP for an Academic Medical Research Institution (Michelle N. Edelmann, Melanie Philofsky, Hanan Shorrosh, Jue Wang, Krista Miller, Kelli Hodge, Rashawnda T. Lacy, Ian M. Brooks)
49 – Comparative Analysis of OMOP CDM Database Profiles Across Institutions and Future Research Implications (Haeun Lee, Snehil Gupta, Clair Blacketer, Michael Cook, Shinji Naka, Ruochong Fan, Benjamin Martin, Khyzer Aziz, Linying Zhang, Paul Nagy)
50 – The state of federated health data networks globally in 2024 (Michael briganti, Valerie van baalen, Eva-Maria didden, Monika brand)

Methodological Research

51 – Comparative Evaluation of Methods for Defining Observation Periods in Healthcare Databases and Their Impact on Incidence Rate Estimates (Clair Blacketer, Patrick Ryan, Martijn Schuemie, Peter Rijnbeek)
52 – Towards automated phenotype definition extraction using large language models (Ramya Tekumalla, Juan M. Banda)
53 – Impact of phenotype error adjustment on background incidence of COVID19 vaccine adverse events of special interest (James Weaver, Patrick B. Ryan, Victoria Strauss, Marc A. Suchard, Joel Swerdel, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra)
54 – Beyond Acute COVID-19: Identifying Pediatric Post-Acute Subphenotypes Through Topic Modeling (Yishan Shen, Yiwen Lu, Yuqing Lei, Ting Zhou, Jiayi Tong, Christopher B. Forrest, Yong Chen)
55 – Atlas2AoU: Enabling Comparison of OHDSI Phenotype Library Phenomic Profiles in All of Us and the UK Biobank (Abigail Newbury, Xinzhuo Jiang, Karthik Natarajan, Gamze Gürsoy)
56 – Utility of Large Language Models for Concept Set Curation (Adit Anand, Anna Ostropolets, Patrick Ryan, George Hripcsak)
57 – Vasculitis without phlebitis phenotype development using real-world data: development and evaluation study (Jill Hardin, Amir Sarayani, Dina Gifkins, Tara Beaulieu, James Gilbert, Joel Swerdel)
58 – Fine-Tuning Foundational AI Models to Code Diagnoses from Veterinary Health Records (Mayla R. Boguslav, Adam Kiehl, Michael Kirby, David Kott, Nadia Saklou, G. Joseph Strecker, Terri Ward, Tracy Webb)
59 – Enhancing Cardiovascular Adverse Event Detection in ICI-Treated Cancer Patients: Lessons Learned from Natural Language Processing Integration with OMOP CDM (Clara L. Oeste, Danielle Delombaerde, Iege Bassez, Annelies Verbiest, Philip Debruyne, Christof Vulsteke, Dries Hens)
60 – Generalizable Approaches for Medical Term Normalization (Jacob Berkowitz, Yasaman Fatapour, Nicholas Tatonetti)
61 – Characterizing the Temporality of OMOP CDM Concepts in a Mastectomy Phenotype (Matthew Spotnitz, Yechiam Ostchega, Stephanie L. Goff, Lakshmi Priya Anandan, Emily Clark, John Giannini, Lew Berman)
62 – Verification and validation framework for data generated with artificial intelligence in the context of the OMOP CDM (Gabriel Maeztu, Paula Chocron, Alejandro Castrelo, Flavius Nicu, Marc Asenjo, María Quijada, Sandra Pulido, Mónica Arrúe, Marc Oliver, Luis Leon, Oriol Moles, Mariona Forcada, Irene López, Álvaro Abella)
63 – Comparison of Deep Learning and Conventional Strategies for Disease Onset Prediction: An OHDSI Network Study (Henrik John, Chungsoo Kim, Jan Kors, Junhyuk Chang, Hannah Morgan-Cooper, Priya Desai, Chao Pang, Peter Rijnbeek, Jenna Reps, Egill Fridgeirsson)
64 – Communication-Efficient Deep Learning Algorithms for Distributed Research Networks: A Model Merging Approach with Pareto Fronts (Lu Li, Jenna Reps, Patrick Ryan, Yong Chen)
65 – Evaluation of PLIP model performance using pathology images and notes based on OMOP-CDM (Harrin Kim, Min-Gyu Kim, Junhyuk Chang, Rae Woong Park)
66 – Comparative Study of Informer, Prophet, and SARIMA Time Series Forecasting Models for Predicting Pneumonia-Related Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits in Elderly Patients Using OMOP-CDM (Seonghwan Shin, Junhyuk Chang, Min-Gyu Kim, Byungjin Choi, Rae Woong Park)
67 – Trade-offs in the design of explainable prediction models for health care (Aniek F. Markus, Jan A. Kors, Katia M.C. Verhamme, Peter R. Rijnbeek)
68 – Causal Learning with Large-Scale Propensity Scores to Predict Treatment Outcomes: A Study of Arrhythmia in Adolescents with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Junhyuk Chang, Dong Yun Lee, Rae Woong Park)
69 – Can we combine propensity score modeling and patient level prediction to make counterfactual predictions? (Jenna Reps, Chris Knoll)
70 – Estimation of Causal Effects under Treatment Misclassification: A Semi-Parametric Bias Correction Framework with Application to Vaccine Effectiveness Study (Qiong Wu, Huiyuan Wang, Yong Chen)
71 – Leveraging the active comparator new user design to identify potential unknown benefits of canagliflozin (Justin Bohn, Jamie P. Gilbert, Christopher Knoll, Zhong Yuan, David M. Kern, Patrick B. Ryan)
72 – Is the Observed Protection of COVID-19 Vaccines Against Infection within 14 days Real or an Artifact? A Negative Control Outcomes-Based Investigation Using Real-World Data (Bingyu Zhang, Qiong Wu, Ting Zhou, Dazheng Zhang, Jiayi Tong, Yuqing Lei, Martijn Schuemie, Patrick B. Ryan, Jeffrey S. Morris, George Hripcsak, Christopher B. Forrest, Yong Chen)
73 – An Augmented Method for Empirical p-value Calibration in Observational Studies (Huiyuan Wang, Yuru Zhu, Martijn Schuemie Yuqing Lei, Yong Chen)
74 – An Explorative Study about the Latent Space of Clinical Foundation Models Based on a Common Data Model Database (Min-Gyu Kim, Jin Yang Kim, Dong Yun Lee, Rae Woong Park, Joon-Kyung Seong)
75 – Collaborative Population-adjusted Indirect Comparison with Multiple Single-arm Data Sources (Yuru Zhu, Huiyuan Wang, Haitao Chu, Yong Chen)
76 – Race and ethnicity biases introduced by filtering electronic health records for patients with “complete data” (Yasaman Fatapour, Jose Acitores Cortina, Nicholas P Tatonetti)

Clinical Applications

77 – Comparative Effectiveness Research of Aflibercept and Bevacizumab in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema: A Bayesian Causal Inference Study Using Real-world Data to Update Evidence from the Randomized Controlled Trial (Kyungseon Choi, Sang Jun Park, Seng Chan You, Semin Jang, Haesun Suh)
78 – Comparative Safety of Second-line Antihyperglycemic Agents in Older Adults with Diabetes: Insights from the LEGEND-T2DM study (Chungsoo Kim, Clair Blacketer, Talita Duarte-Salles, Scott L. DuVall, Thomas Falconer, Jing Li, Can Yin, Michael E Matheny, Bemjamin Viernes, Fan Bu, Paul Nagy, Akihiko Nishimura, Evan Minty, Seng Chan You, Mitsuaki Sawano, Shoko Sawano, Arya Aminorroaya, Lovedeep S. Dhingra, Aline Pedroso-Camargo, Phyllis Thangraraj, Rohan Khera, Patrick B Ryan, Hua Xu, George Hripcsak, Harlan M Krumholz, Marc A Suchard, Yuan Lu)
79 – Multi-national Patterns of Individual Cardioprotective Agents as Second-line Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a LEGEND-T2DM Study (Fan Bu, Evan Minty, Arya Aminorroaya, Clair Blacketer, Lovedeep S. Dhingra, Talita Duarte-Salles, Scott L. DuVall, Thomas Falconer, Chungsoo Kim, Jing Li, Yuan Lu, Michael Methany, Paul Nagy, Akihiko Nishimura, Aline Pedroso-Camargo, Phyllis Thangaraj, Benjamin Viernes, Can Yin, Patrick B. Ryan, George Hripcsak, Rohan Khera, Marc A. Suchard)
80 – Trends in Hospitalization Among Patients with Cardiovascular, Immunological, and neurological Illnesses: Findings from HowOften (Azza AS Shoaibi, Chris Knoll, Gowtham A Rao)
81 – Predicting the risk of new onset of type 2 diabetes following exposure of Statin within patient with coronary artery disease (Septi Melisa, Christianus Heru Setiawan, Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar, Phan Thanh-Phuc, Nguyen Phung-Anh, Jason C. Hsu)
82 – Prediction of Severe Respiratory Infections in Patients with Diabetes (Nguyen Thi Kim Hien, Phan Thanh Phuc, Septi Melisa, Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar, Nguyen Phung-Anh, Jason Hsu)
83 – Electronic Frailty index and hazard of with MACE event in patients with Type 2 diabetes melitus (Da Eun Hyeon, Sujin Gan, Rae Woong Park)
84 – Electrocardiogram-Based Identification of Acute Heart Failure in Chronic Heart Failure: A MIMIC-IV and OMOP-CDM Standardized Approach (Seung Wook Lee)
85 – Clinically validated line of therapy (LoT) algorithm for patients with metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (mNSCLC) can be implemented using systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) in Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) database (Joana Moreira, Fabian Acker, Jack Brewster, Anne-Lore Bynens, Susan Lara Cheeseman , Francesca Fusco, Åslaug Helland, Lizza Hendriks, Pooja Jain, Rosie McDonald, Sarah Seager, Andrea Wolf, Åsa Öjlert, Francesca Ogliari)
86 – Harmonization of routine care data from hospitals in the Digital Oncology Network for Europe (DigiONE) into Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) databases reveals changes in the number of new primary cancers diagnosed and 12-month survival during COVID-19 lockdowns (Stelios Theophanous, Hayley Fenton, Aiara Lobo Gomes, Elisabeth Ross, Joëlle Thonnard, Andrea Wolf, Christian Brandts, Anne-Lore Bynens, Geoff Hall, Sara Bachir, Edward Bolton, Olivier Bouissou, Daniel Brucker, Susan Lara Cheeseman, Alix Collard, Andre Dekker, Prabash Galgane Banduge, Lars Halvorsen, Dennis Kadioglu, Petros Kalendralis, Junaid Khan, Piers Mahon, Timo Schneider, Linnea Lilja Ilona Schumann, Sarah Seager, Alberto Traverso, Aline van Maanen, Cédric van Marcke, Abishaa Vengadeswaran, Janina Wörmann, Tasmeia Yousaf, Rosie McDonald, Elin Hallan Naderi)
87 – FinOMOP Swarm Learning – Deep learning for patient-specific modelling of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Salma Rachidi, Hartmut Schultze, Vytis Vadoklis, Perre Gustafsson, Johansson Markus, Kauko Tommi, Anna Hammais, Kukkurainen Sampo, Niemelä Sami, Tuomas Hakala, Alexey Ryzhenkov, Valtteri Nieminen, Tomi Mäkelä, Oscar Brück, Joachim Schultze, Tarja Laitinen, Arho Virkki, Kimmo Porkka, Eric Fey )
88 – Measuring Severe Maternal Morbidity: A Pilot OHDSI Electronic Health Record Network Study (Stephanie A. Leonard, Louisa H. Smith, Khyzer Aziz, Andreea Creanga, Elliott K. Main, Brian T. Bateman, Alison Callahan)
89 – Characterizing perinatal treatment patterns and outcomes in rheumatologic disease: A retrospective cohort study in a US health insurance claims database (Rupa Makadia, Alexis A. Krumme, Anna Ostropolets, Sicong Huang, Rebecca Zaha, Melanie H. Jacobson)
90 – Comorbidities among patients with Severe Maternal Morbidity: A comparison of conditions identified through active hospital-based surveillance versus OMOP CDM (Carrie Wolfson, Benjamin Martin, Khyzer Aziz, Paul Nagy, Andreea Creanga)
91 – An Active Safety Surveillance Using Real-World Evidence (ASSURE) Approach to Pharmacovigilance Signal Evaluation: The case of infliximab and alternative autoimmune conditions (Kevin Haynes, Mitchell M. Conover, Jenna Reps, Steven S. Smugar, Robert Suruki)
92 – Impact of drug safety-related regulatory actions in South Korea (Subin Kim, Seonji Kim, Kyung Won Kim, Seng Chan You)
93 – Brain-penetrant calcium channel blockers for psychiatric use: revisiting the evidence for benefit (David M Kern, Justin Bohn, Michael Maher, Dmytro Dymshyts, Azza Shoaibi)
94 – Real-world Effectiveness of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (RWE-MOUD) (Ruochong Fan, David Liss, Devin Banks, Wenyu Song, Adam Wilcox, Linying Zhang)
95 – Obesity and Long-term Gastrointestinal Outcomes after COVID-19 Infection: Finding from the RECOVER (Ting Zhou, Bingyu Zhang, Dazheng Zhang, Qiong Wu, Jiayi Tong, Jiajie Chen, Yuqing Lei, Yiwen Lu, Christopher B. Forrest, Yong Chen)
96 – Quantifying the opioid use disorder crisis: PULSNAR finds nearly 3/4 undiagnosed (Praveen Kumar, Fariha Moomtaheen, Scott A. Malec, Jeremy J. Yang, Cristian G. Bologa, Kristan A Schneider, Yiliang Zhu, Mauricio Tohen, Gerardo Villarreal, Douglas J. Perkins, Elliot M. Fielstein, Sharon E. Davis, Michael E. Matheny, Christophe G. Lambert)
97 – Does the SARS-CoV-2 Infection Increase the Onset of New Mental Health Disorder? Findings from Difference-in-Differences Analyses Using an EHR-Based Cohort from the RECOVER Program (Yiwen Lu, Jiayi Tong, Dazheng Zhang, Lu Li, Yuqing Lei, Ting Zhou, Jiajie Chen, Levon H Utidjian, Nathan J Blum, Kelly Kelleher, Kathleen Pajer, Raghuram Prasad, Josephine Elia, Christopher B. Forrest, Yong Chen)
98 – Risk of Dysmetabolic Syndrome in Post-Acute COVID-19 Among Children and Adolescents: An EHR Cohort Study from the RECOVER Initiative (Yuqing Lei, Ting Zhuo, Bingyu Zhang, Dazheng Zhang, Qiong Wu, Lu Li, Christopher B. Forrest, Caren Mangarelli, Ravi Jhaveri and Yong Chen)
99 – Predicting outcome in emergency room patients with suspected gastrointestinal infection using OMOP-CDM (So Hee Lee, Byungjin Chol, Min Ho An, Junhyunk Chang, Harrin Kim, Rae Woong Park)
100 – The Impact of Evolving Diagnostic Guidelines on Clinical Characterization of Endometriosis (Harry Reyes Nieva, Aparajita Kashyap, Erica A. Voss, Anna Ostropolets, Adit Anand, Mert Ketenci, Frank J. DeFalco, Karthik Natarajan, Young Sang Choi, Yanwei Li, Monica N. Allen, Stephanie Guang, Noémie Elhadad )
101 – Aggregating and harmonizing registry databases for comparative analyses – lessons learnt (Eva-Maria Didden, James Weaver, Dmytro Dymshyts, Amelie Beaudet, Audrey Muller, Andrius Kavaliunas)
102 – Visual Acuity: A Case Study for a Complex Clinical Concept (Michelle R. Hribar, Robert Gale, William Halfpenny, Brian Toy, Eric N. Brown, Sally L. Baxter, Kerry Goetz, OHDSI Eye Care and Vision Research Workgroup)
103 – Measuring Low-Value Primary Care with OMOP Common Data Model in the Adult Primary Care Registry (Shanshan Lin, Benjamin Martin, Jodi B. Segal)
104 – Implementation and Evaluation of the Prevalence of Low-Value Care Procedures Using the OHDSI Network: A Case Study of Early Peripheral Vascular Interventions for Claudication (Chen Dun, Haeun Lee, Harold Lehmann, Paul Nagy, Caitlin Hicks)
105 – Determinants and persistence of medication adherence and its influence on health outcomes based on national health database (Kerli Mooses, Marek Oja, Johannes Holm, Maarja Pajusalu, Hanna Keidong, Maria Malk, Sirli Tamm, Helene Loorents, Nikita Umov, Raivo Kolde)


106 – Improving Team Science Through “Thons” Reflections on the April Olympians Community Event (Clair Blacketer, Melanie Philofsky, Evanette Burrows, Maxim Moinat, Katy Sadowski)
107 – Using OHDSI Standards and Tools to Train the Next Generation of Researchers (Jonah Bradenday, Mounika Thakkallapally, Karen M. Crowley, Farahnaz Maroof, Paul Stey, Ashok Ragavendran, Indra Neil Sarkar, Elizabeth S. Chen)
108 – Comparing IRB Review of OHDSI Network Studies: Sharing Experience and Guidance (Ben Martin, Will Kelly, Christopher Mecoli, Khyzer Aziz, Haeun Lee, Star Liu, Paul Nagy)
109 – OHDSI in Africa and Partnerships with European Institutions (Cynthia Sung, Agnes Kiragga, Kofi Agayre, OO Aluko, David Amadi, Daniel Ankrah, Chidi Asuzu, Adam Bouras, Geert Byttebier, Aize Cao, Ahmed El-Sayed, Chris Fourie, Yacob Gebretensae , Nega Gebreyesus, Jay Greenfield, Lars Halvorsen, Jared Houghtaling, Katherine Johnston, Andrew S. Kanter, Mack Kigada, Sylvia Muyingo, Maureen Ng’etich, Michael Ochola, Henry Ogoe, Bolu Oluwalade, James Orwa, Mariette Smith, Amelia Taylor, Marleen Temmerman, Jim Todd, Marc Twagirumukiza, Daniel M Wanga, Andrew Williams )

Open-Source Development

110 – Interface for description and analyses of systemic oncology protocols (Georgina Kennedy, Travis Zack, Ivy Cerelia Valerie, Michael Gurley, Jeremy Warner)
111 – Design of Feedback Reports for Evaluating Data Fitness for Use in the Bridge2AI For Clinical Care Research Consortium (Jared Houghtaling, Gilles Clermont, Andrew Williams)
112 – Visualising OMOP concept relationships with omopcept (Andy South)
113 – Accelerating FHIR to OMOP conversions on IQVIA Health Data Transformation Platform (Jonathon Cook, Filip Rzyszkiewicz)

Lightning Talks

114 – The missing link: Cross-species EHR data linkage offers new opportunities for improving One Health (Kathleen R. Mullen, Nadia T. Saklou, Adam Kiehl, G. Joseph Strecker, Tracy Webb, Susan VandeWoude, Ian M. Brooks, Toan Ong, Sabrina Toro, Melissa A. Haendel)
115 – Comparing probabilistic and rule-based phenotype algorithms for hypotension and angioedema to the experience observed in randomized clinical trials (Joel Swerdel, Martijn Schuemie, Judy Racoosin, and Patrick Ryan)
116 – Exploring the interplay between metabolic syndrome and brain volume in depression: Basis for Phenotype-Based Classification (Sujin Gan, Narae Kim, Bumhee Park, and Rae Woong Park)
117 – A Oneshot and Lossless Federated Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Model (Jiayi Tong, Jenna M. Reps, Manuel Ramirez-Anguita, Milou T. Brand, Scott L. DuVall, Thomas Falconer, Alex Mayer Fuentes, Xing He, Miguel A. Mayer, Marc A. Suchard, Ross D. Williams, Jiang Bian, David A. Asch, Yong Chen)
118 – NCO-Calibrated DID Analysis: Addressing Unmeasured Confounding in Difference-in-Differences Analyses Using Negative Control Outcomes Experiments (Dazheng Zhang, Bingyu Zhang, Huiyuan Wang, Charles J. Wolock, Yiwen Lu, Yong Chen)
119 – Health Trends Across Communities in Minnesota: a Statewide Dashboard Leveraging the OMOP CDM to Monitor the Prevalence of Health Conditions (Samuel T. Patnoe (presenter), Ardem S. Elmayan, Deran A. McKeen, Terese A. DeFor, Inih J. Essien, Karen L. Margolis, Patricia L. Mabry, Bjorn C. Westgard, Anna R. Bergdall, Renee Van Siclen, Peter J. Bodurtha, Daniel Muldoon, Tyler NA Winkelman, Nayanjot K. Rai, Paul E. Drawz, R. Adams Dudley, Steven G. Johnson, Stephen C. Waring, Alanna M. Chamberlain, Amy Leite Bennett, Abby Jessen, David Johnson, on behalf of the Minnesota Electronic Health Record Consortium)
120 – Advancing the OHDSI Analysis Viewer: Enhanced Performance, Integration, and User Experience (Nathan Hall, Frank DeFalco, Vishakha Gupta, Jenna Reps)

Software Demonstrations

121 – Bridging the Language Gap: Generative Models for Efficient Medical Concept Discovery (Alvaro A Alvarez, Priya Desai, Somalee Datta)
122 – VSAC to OHDSI: Automation of the management of OHDSI concept sets using the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) (John E. Gresh, Raymonde Y. Uy, Julia L. Skapik )
123 – CHIMERA: Automatic Concept Set Creation and Mapping to Standard OMOP Codes in ATLAS (Marcela Rivera, Shahithya Lalitha Prabakaran, Satyajit Pande, Anna Ostropolets)
124 – ClinicalCharacteristics: A table-shell approach to Characterization in OMOP (Martin Lavallee, Ajit Londhe, Katy Sadowski, Ron Herrera)
125 – Executing a Reusable Framework for Study-Specific Data Quality Analysis (Kaleigh Wieand, Hanieh Razzaghi, Kim Dickinson, Michael Kahn, Jason Roy)
126 – Utilizing ARACHNE runtime environments packaging know-how in preparation for running network studies (Konstantin Yaroshovets, Adam Black, Alexey Manoylenko, Gregory Klebanov)
127 – OHDSI AI: Generative AI-powered Knowledge Translation of OHDSI Research Literature and Singapore’s Cardiovascular Research (Maisie Ng, Cindy Ho, Li Ting Ang, Hang Png, Shuen Lin Tan, Estella Ye, Ismail Mohd, Mengling Feng, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Johan G Eriksson, Mukkesh Kumar)
128 – dbt for OMOP Phase I: dbt-synthea (Katy Sadowski, Vishnu Chandrabalan, Adam Bouras, Roger Carlson)
129 – CohortContrast: Universal Patient Trajectory Extraction from OMOP CDM (Markus Haug, Edward Burn, Martí Català, Marta Alcalde-Herraiz, Raivo Kolde)
130 – How Often: Large Scale Incidence Rate Calculation of Health Outcomes for Drugs Nested by Indication (Hsin Yi Chen, Christopher Knoll, Elise Ruan, Adam Black, Sarah Seager, Patrick Ryan, George Hripcsak)
131 – CohortOperations: A Modular Web Tool for Enhanced Cohort Analysis on the OMOP-CDM (Javier Gracia-Tabuenca, Harri Siirtola, Anastasia Kytölä, FinnGen, Mary Pat Reeve)
132 – Polites: A Tool for the Automation of OHDSI Implementations (John Gresh, Julia Skapik)
133 – OmopSketch: An R package to characterise your OMOP mapped database (Marta Alcalde-Herraiz, Yuchen Guo, Mike Du, Edward Burn, Martí Català)
134 – Rapid Generation of Synthetic Data to the OHDSI CDM (Janos Hajagos)
135 – An interactive approach for data exploration and phenotyping in the Data2Evidence platform (Satish Anbazhagan, Peter Hoffmann)
136 – Software demonstration: CohortConstructor – an R package to support cohort building pipelines (Edward Burn, Núria Mercadé-Besora, Marta Alcalde-Herraiz, Mike Du, Yuchen Guo, Kim Lopez Guell, Xihang Chen, Markus Haug, Hiba Junaid, Daniel Dedman, Martí Català)