Weekly OHDSI Digest – October 7, 2024


Please join our Oct 8 (11 am ET) community call for a session focused on recent advances in methodological research, as well as an update on the 2024-25 Vocabulary Roadmap. We are excited to welcome three community leaders to share presentations on methods research:

Negative controls in vaccine research • Yong Chen, Professor of Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania

New diagnostics for covariate balance in small samples • George Hripcsak, Vivian Beaumont Allen Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University

Performance of the concurrent comparator design • Shounak Chattopadhyay, Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


• During the Oct. 15 community call, Collaborator Showcase presenters can use 60 seconds to share why OHDSI Symposium attendees should visit their poster or software demo. We want to hear from you; please sign up using this brief form or volunteer during the Oct. 15 call.

• The NEI (National Eye Institute) Office of Data Science and Health Informatics is leading a session Oct. 30 at 12 pm highlighting research opportunities through the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) program. Michelle Hribar and Cindy Cai will present their research conducted using the OHDSI network and lead a discussion on future research opportunities it offers for the vision health community. Patrick Ryan will present on the network’s potential for expanding research collaborations. More details and a registration link are available on the event homepage.

• The latest edition of the Collaborator Spotlight features Yong Chen, Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania. Yong, who has been leading methodological work within the OHDSI community for several years, earned the 2021 OHDSI Titan Award for Methodological Research. He discusses his career journey, recent advances in methods research, how his students use OHDSI in their research, and more.

• The October OHDSI newsletter is now available; it includes community updates and publications links, information on three upcoming in-person events in October, the latest video podcast, and plenty more.

• The 2024 EHDEN Symposium will be held Oct. 10 in Barcelona, and it will include sessions on EHDEN and both Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence, as well as the EHDEN impact on regulatory decision making and the medical product industry. The full agenda is now available.

• The 2024 OHDSI Asia-Pacific (APAC) Symposium will be held December 4-8 in Singapore. Regional co-chairs Mengling ‘Mornin’ Feng and Ngial Kee Yuan will lead this event, which has a theme of “When OHDSI Meets with AI.” Registration is now open!

OHDSI Social Showcase

• Research from the 2024 Europe Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedInTwitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:

Monday — Improving completeness in mapping population based cancer registry data to OMOP CDM by using alternative source fields (Tapio Niemi)

Tuesday — Exploring Embedding Representations for Structured Data in the OMOP CDM (Jorge Cerejo)

Wednesday — Harmonization to the OMOIP CDM of cancer patient data at the Modena Oncology Center (Enrico Calanchi)

Thursday — Developing a Clinical Decision Support System Software Prototype that Assists in the Management of Patients with Self-Harm based on the Use of National Registries Harmonized in OMOP CDM: the PERMANENS Project (Angela Leis)

Friday — Automation of STCM Vocabularies Review for OMOP CDM (Wai Yi Man)

Job Openings

• Cynthia Sung announced an opening for a Senior Program Officer, Clinical AI Innovation, at the Gates Foundation. This individual will be responsible for developing an overarching strategy to healthcare applications in AI; conceptualising, investing and managing investments in health applications of AI; providing advice and technical assistance to other program teams considering investment in this area; advocate for the safe, responsible use of AI as force multiplier to reducing inequality in health in LMICs.


• Registration is now open for the 2024 Global Symposium , which will be held Oct. 22-24 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, N.J., USA. The three-day event will feature tutorials on Day 1, plenaries and the collaborator showcase on Day 2, and workgroup activities on Day 3.

• Day 1 will open with a single tutorial in the morning: An Introduction to the Journey from Data to Evidence using OHDSI. There will be four advanced tutorials during the afternoon: Developing and Evaluating Your Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Process to the OMOP Common Data ModelSo, You Think You Want To Run an OHDSI Network Study?; and Using the OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies for Research. You can select your tutorials during the registration process.

Book Your Hotel Sleeping room OHDSI Symposium (hyatt.com) If this block shows sold out, you may book a room on the hotel’s website at their prevailing rate Boom your hotel room on the Hyatt’s website

Share in Collaboration for Tuesday, Oct. 22 by filling out this form

OHDSI MSTEAMS (please note that MS Teams Classic will no longer be available after Oct. 23; please make sure you are using the newest version of Teams to continue your collaboration)

Accessing MSTeams: To join OHDSI Teams, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams
If you are already in the OHDSI Teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

Duplicate email removal from OHDSI Teams: As you should always be using one email in OHDSI Teams when joining all workgroups, you may remove duplicate emails by filling out this form

To unsubscribe from Teams, please fill out this form

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community