Patrick Ryan, Marc Suchard, Martijn Schuemie, Christophe Lambert
Target Audience:
Researchers who want to design estimation studies for safety surveillance and comparative effectiveness using the OHDSI tools and programmers who want to implement and execute estimation studies using the OHDSI methods library
Watch on YouTube:
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Video #4
Video #5
Video #6
Video #7
Homework #2
OHDSI Tutorial: Design and implementation of a comparative cohort study in observational healthcare data
Exercise: Dissect a published cohort study (.html document)
Walkthrough of implementing a cohort study using OHDSI tools
Study designer track: Deep dive into cohort study design using ATLAS
Review of R code generated by ATLAS
Reproducing Graham et al. 2014 using the CohortMethod package
Risk of angioedema associated with levetiracetam compared with phenytoin
Wrap up (.html document)

Other Tutorials
OHDSI Development Architecture
Patient-Level Prediction