The following videos were recorded during the third annual OHDSI symposium which took place on October 18th, 2017. These recordings were made possible by generous support from the JKTG Foundation, Google, Johnson & Johnson, and Bayer.
Watch on YouTube:
Welcome: OHDSI Where’s Our Journey (Patrick Ryan)
Large-Scale Honest Incidence (George Hripcsak)
Safety Surveillance (Jon Duke)
Comparative Effectiveness (Yeesuk Kim & Marc Suchard)
Improving Palliative Care (Nigam Shah)
Journey through Patient-Level Prediction (Jenna Reps)
Presenter Q&A Panel
Lightning Talks
Community Reaction Panel
Stakeholder Perspectives Panel
Patrick’s Closing
OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies
Population-Level Estimation
OHDSI Development Architecture
Patient-Level Prediction