Everybody is invited to the weekly OHDSI community call, which takes place each Tuesday at 11 am ET. These calls are meant to inform and engage our community through a variety of call formats, including community presentations, workgroup updates, breakout sessions, publication announcements, newcomer-focused sessions, and more. The upcoming schedule is available to the right.
Videos, slides and weekly updates from this year’s calls are available below. Presentations from the 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021 community calls are also available.
Week 3 of Phenotype Phebruary is dedicated to evaluating cohorts using CohortDiagnostics for the phenotypes that will be used in the guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented last month, and our leads will discuss next steps in this process.
OHDSI workgroups present opportunities for all community members to find a home for their talents and passions, and make meaningful contributions. Each year, workgroups discuss their mission, objectives and key results (OKRs) during February community calls. This video includes presentations by the OHDSI APAC, Generative AI and Foundational Models in Healthcare (GenAI), HADES, Eye Care and Vision Research, Latin America, Transplant, Databricks, Medical Imaging, and Psychiatry workgroups.
Videos for both parts of the Feb. 18 community call are available below.
Community Updates
• Congratulations to the team of Alicia Abellan, Edward Burn, Nhung T. H. Trinh, Theresa Burkard, Alison Callahan, Sergio Fernández-Bertolín, Eimir Hurley, Clara Rodriguez, Elena Segundo, Daniel R. Morales, Hedvig M. E. Nordeng, and Talita Duarte-Salles on the recent publication of Expanding the OMOP Common Data Model to Support Perinatal Research in Network Studies in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety.
• Asieh Golozar announced that the iCAN mNSCLC Studyathon 2025 will be held March 25-28 I Helsinki, Finlad, and the focus is “Exploring the Real-World Treatment Landscape of mNSCLC.” The event will focus on characterizing real-world treatment patterns of metastatic NSCLC, with a focus on the adoption and impact of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) across different regions. Reach out to Asieh Golozar (golozar@ohdsi.org) for more information or if you wish to contribute.
• The goal of the OHDSI Rare Disease Working Group is to advance the understanding and treatment of rare diseases by leveraging real-world data, uniting multidisciplinary experts, and developing innovative methodologies to improve patient outcomes and inform clinical decision-making. The workgroup has posted a brief interest survey to help shape a productive and collaborative community. Please fill out this survey by Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 7-9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
• Monica Gerber shared a job opening for an Analytics Engineer at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. As an Analytics Engineer, you will collaborate with our data science team to design, build, and maintain multi-modal data models that integrate various data sources. Your work will support AI-driven research and translational data science use cases, helping to advance our scientific and technological goals. More information and an application link are available here.
Week 2 of Phenotype Phebruary is dedicated to developing concept sets and constructing logical frameworks for the phenotypes that will be used in the guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented last month, and our leads will discuss next steps in this process.
OHDSI workgroups present opportunities for all community members to find a home for their talents and passions, and make meaningful contributions. Each year, workgroups discuss their mission, objectives and key results (OKRs) during February community calls. This video includes presentations by the Methods Research, Common Data Model, Evidence Network, Patient-Level Prediction (PLP), Early-Stage Researchers, Women of OHDSI, and ATLAS workgroups.
Videos for both parts of the Feb. 11 community call are available below.
• The goal of the OHDSI Rare Disease Working Group is to advance the understanding and treatment of rare diseases by leveraging real-world data, uniting multidisciplinary experts, and developing innovative methodologies to improve patient outcomes and inform clinical decision-making. The workgroup has posted a brief interest survey to help shape a productive and collaborative community. Please fill out this survey by Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 7-9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
• Monica Gerber shared a job opening for an Analytics Engineer at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. As an Analytics Engineer, you will collaborate with our data science team to design, build, and maintain multi-modal data models that integrate various data sources. Your work will support AI-driven research and translational data science use cases, helping to advance our scientific and technological goals. More information and an application link are available here.
Welcome to Phenotype Phebruary 2025! Now in its fourth year, Phenotype Phebruary focuses on building upon the guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented last month, and the first week will focus on creating clinical descriptions for cohorts that may be used in these studies. This community call highlighted how and where this work can be done, and why it will provide the foundation for future work done in these network studies. You can follow updates on Phenotype Phebruary on this forum thread, and you can share your interest in joining the collaboration via this form.
OHDSI workgroups present opportunities for all community members to find a home for their talents and passions, and make meaningful contributions. Each year, workgroups discuss their mission, objectives and key results (OKRs) during February community calls. This session included presentations by the Health Systems Interest Group, Vocabulary, Rehabilitation, Perinatal and Reproductive Health, and the Steering Group.
Videos for both presentations are available below.
• The goal of the OHDSI Rare Disease Working Group is to advance the understanding and treatment of rare diseases by leveraging real-world data, uniting multidisciplinary experts, and developing innovative methodologies to improve patient outcomes and inform clinical decision-making. The workgroup has posted a brief interest survey to help shape a productive and collaborative community. Please fill out this survey by Tuesday, Feb. 18.
• The latest OHDSI newsletter is now available. It includes information about the 14 guideline-driven evidence opportunities presented in January, the monthly podcast, community updates, the latest collaborator spotlight, recent publications and presentations, and plenty more. If you don’t receive the newsletter each month, you can subscribe here.
• Dr. Cynthia Sung is an Adjunct Associate Professor for the Centre of Regulatory Excellence at Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School, teaching and developing curricula for the Graduate Certificate in Health Products Regulation. She is an active member of the OHDSI Community, primarily as co-lead for the OHDSI Africa Chapter and also participating in working groups for Clinical Trials and Pregnancy and Reproductive Health. She was honored with the 2023 Titan Award for Community Collaboration. In the latest collaborator spotlight, Cynthia discusses a career journey that has taken her around the world, the need for FAIR data in less-represented populations, exciting developments within Africa, and more.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 7-9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
• Monica Gerber shared a job opening for an Analytics Engineer at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. As an Analytics Engineer, you will collaborate with our data science team to design, build, and maintain multi-modal data models that integrate various data sources. Your work will support AI-driven research and translational data science use cases, helping to advance our scientific and technological goals. More information and an application link are available here.
One proposed focus for the OHDSI community is around guideline-driven evidence generation, and collaborators have started to share potential opportunities in this forum post. We heard more the following guideline-focused opportunities during our Jan. 28 community call. 1) Antithrombotic use post-PCI (Chang Hoon Han & Seng Chan You) 2) Bladder cancer treatment (Asieh Golozar) 3) Rheumatology DMARD infection management (Christopher Mecoli) 4) Anesthesia post-operative care (Oleg Zhuk) 5) Schizophrenia pharmacotherapy (Tatiana Skugarevskaya) 6) Post-herpetic neuralgia management (Masha Khitrun) 7) TPO-RA to manage cytopenias in solid tumors (Vlad Korsik) 8) Diabetic retinopathy screening (Cindy Cai) 9) Osteoporosis management (Chen Yanover and Vanessa Rouach) 10) Melanoma PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor therapy (Bohdan Khilchevskyi) 11) Pediatric vision screening (Michelle Hribar)
Please use this form to share which guideline-driven evidence opportunities you would like to contribute to, and how you plan to contribute to the evidence generation process.
• Each year, workgroup representatives join a February community call to present the mission, objectives and key results for their respective groups. These 2-4 minute presentations are recorded and posted on the Workgroups homepage on OHDSI.org. Please choose a date to sign up for a February date; once a date has at least 10 workgroups, it will be closed.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
One proposed focus for the OHDSI community is around guideline-driven evidence generation, and collaborators have started to share potential opportunities in this forum post. We heard more about some of these guideline-focused opportunities (obesity, pneumonia, time varying treatment pathways) during our Jan. 21 community call, and we also learned about the BRIDGE Training Program from Marc Twagirumukiza.
• Each year, workgroup representatives join a February community call to present the mission, objectives and key results for their respective groups. These 2-4 minute presentations are recorded and posted on the Workgroups homepage on OHDSI.org. Please choose a date to sign up for a February date; once a date has at least 10 workgroups, it will be closed.
• The CDM Survey subgroup invites colleagues who have or are going to design, develop, and/or implement research surveys and use them with the OMOP CDM to share information about those efforts by completing this survey. Your completion of this 10-15 minute survey will provide information to the CDM workgroup about OMOP utilization among survey research teams. The CDM Survey subgroup is a collaborative effort, led by a team at the National Cancer Institute, to develop standardized approaches and best practices for helping research teams better integrate survey data elements into the OMOP common data model. The survey will remain open through mid-January.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
We shared some potential focuses for 2025 during the Jan. 7 community call, and they each require collaboration within the community. During this call, we provided a forum to discuss opportunities, meet new potential collaborators and ideally build connections that can spark this work.
• Each year, workgroup representatives join a February community call to present the mission, objectives and key results for their respective groups. These 2-4 minute presentations are recorded and posted on the Workgroups homepage on OHDSI.org. Please choose a date to sign up for a February date; once a date has at least 10 workgroups, it will be closed.
• The next edition of the CBER BEST Seminar Series will be Jan. 15, 2025 at 11 am ET. We are happy to welcome Sonia Hernández-Díaz, MD, DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who will provide a talk on “Emulation of Target Trial on Vaccinations During Pregnancy.” More information and the meeting link are available on the CBER BEST series homepage.
• The CDM Survey subgroup invites colleagues who have or are going to design, develop, and/or implement research surveys and use them with the OMOP CDM to share information about those efforts by completing this survey. Your completion of this 10-15 minute survey will provide information to the CDM workgroup about OMOP utilization among survey research teams. The CDM Survey subgroup is a collaborative effort, led by a team at the National Cancer Institute, to develop standardized approaches and best practices for helping research teams better integrate survey data elements into the OMOP common data model. The survey will remain open through mid-January.
• All videos and slides from the main conference of the 2024 OHDSI Global Symposium are now available on the event homepage. You can also find the 136 posters and software demos from our collaborator showcase. Videos of all the tutorials have also been posted.
Save The Dates
• The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:
OHDSI kicked off its 2025 community calls with a session focused on where we can go together over the next 12 months. Patrick Ryan highlighted four focus areas for the community: guideline-driven evidence generation, evidence-driven data standardization, evidence-driven open-source development, and evidence-driven collaborative education. There were details about monthly events, and upcoming clinical/scientific conferences over the next 18 months that can be end goals for dissemination.
• Congratulations to the team of Harry-Anton Talvik, Marek Oja, Sirli Tamm, Kerli Mooses, Dage Särg, Marcus Lõo, Õie Renata Siimon, Hendrik Šuvalov, Raivo Kolde, Jaak Vilo, Sulev Reisberg, and Sven Laur on the recent publication of Repeatable process for extracting health data from HL7 CDA documents in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
• Save The Date! The OHDSI Europe Symposium will be hosted by the OHDSI Belgium Node on 5-7 July 2025 in the “Old Prison” building of Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium. Agenda and registration information will be shared when available.
• Each year, workgroup representatives join a February community call to present the mission, objectives and key results for their respective groups. These 2-4 minute presentations are recorded and posted on the Workgroups homepage on OHDSI.org. Please choose a date to sign up for a February date; once a date has at least 10 workgroups, it will be closed.
• The next edition of the CBER BEST Seminar Series will be Jan. 15, 2025 at 11 am ET. We are happy to welcome Sonia Hernández-Díaz, MD, DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who will provide a talk on “Emulation of Target Trial on Vaccinations During Pregnancy.” More information and the meeting link are available on the CBER BEST series homepage.
• The latest edition of The Journey Newsletter is now available. The latest edition reflects back on 2024, highlights 10 recent published studies, and includes community updates, the latest collaborator spotlight, OHDSI presentations, and more.
• The CDM Survey subgroup invites colleagues who have or are going to design, develop, and/or implement research surveys and use them with the OMOP CDM to share information about those efforts by completing this survey. Your completion of this 10-15 minute survey will provide information to the CDM workgroup about OMOP utilization among survey research teams. The CDM Survey subgroup is a collaborative effort, led by a team at the National Cancer Institute, to develop standardized approaches and best practices for helping research teams better integrate survey data elements into the OMOP common data model. The survey will remain open through mid-January.
• All videos and slides from the main conference of the 2024 OHDSI Global Symposium are now available on the event homepage. You can also find the 136 posters and software demos from our collaborator showcase. Videos of all the tutorials have also been posted.
OHDSI Social Showcase
• Research from the 2024 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week: