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OHDSI Library

Welcome to the OHDSI library. This is a space where OHDSI collaborators are encouraged to share their OHDSI related work.

To upload a file just follow these steps:

1. You will need an OHDSI Wiki account in order to upload your abstract submission. You can do this using your GitHub or Google authentication from the Login page or if you don't already have an OHDSI Wiki account then please register using the following Google Form:

(You will receive your new OHDSI Wiki account information via email within one business day)

2. Log into the OHDSI Wiki using the link in the top right corner of this Wiki page.

3. Click on the “Media Manager” link in the top right corner of the screen

4. Click on the “Upload” tab and select the file you wish to upload

5. Come back to the “OHDSI Library” page, select the submissions page you would like to upload your file onto.

6. Select the “edit this page” icon on the right side of the screen

7. Select the “add images and other files” icon just above the editable box

8. Select your uploaded file

2019 OHDSI Symposium - Posters Please upload your posters here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Posters

2019 OHDSI Symposium - Call for Participation Please upload your abstracts here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Abstract Submissions

2018 OHDSI Symposium - Posters Please upload your posters here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Posters

2018 OHDSI Symposium - Call for Participation Please upload your abstracts here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Abstract Submissions

2017 OHDSI Symposium - Posters Please upload your posters here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Posters

2017 OHDSI Symposium - Call for Participation Please upload your abstracts here: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - Abstract Submissions

2016 OHDSI Symposium - Call for Posters Please upload your poster abstracts here: OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Poster Submissions

2016 OHDSI Symposium - Posters Please upload your posters here: OHDSI Symposium 2016 - Posters

2015 OHDSI Symposium - Call for Posters Please upload your poster abstracts here: OHDSI Symposium 2015 - Poster Submissions

2015 OHDSI Symposium - Posters Anyone who presented a poster at the 2015 OHDSI Symposium is welcome to upload their full poster here: OHDSI Symposium 2015 - Posters

2015 OHDSI Symposium (Recordings) (Demo part of talk by Patrick Ryan):

resources/ohdsi_library.1582578041.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/24 21:00 by maura_beaton