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Themis Working Group

GitHub Repo:

First WG face-to-face meeting: 17-Oct-2017, the day before the OHDSI Symposium Tutorials - Original submitted issues, summary, notes of discussion

Second WG face-to-face meeting: 8-9 March 2018, hosted by Amgen in Thousand Oaks, CA.

2019 face-to-face meeting 14-15 May 2019 hosted by University of Colorado Denver


The idea of the OMOP CDM is to create a representation of the source data in such a way that queries and tools can be run more or less blindly (without access to the data) and still return the correct result. This works if the format (table structure) and the vocabularies (coding schemas) are all standardized. Achieving this allows developing standardized tools and methods and drive quality, reproducibility and efficiency, and thus gets us closer to fulfilling the OHDSI objectives2.

And it does really work. Except not quite 100%. There are still a good number of issues, which despite the CDM and vocabularies the exact choice of representing a clinical event or circumstance can be ambiguous, arbitrary, clumsy.


Everybody who has an interest in OMOP CDM ETL, data quality and quality certification.

Project Leads: Asha Mahesh, Minnie Chou, Greg Klebanov, Christian Reich

Focus Groups

Each of these Focus Groups working on a list of issues, either generic or focused on a table:

THEMIS Bi-weekly Meeting (Skype Meeting) Occurs every other Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Join Skype Meeting

Join by phone Toll number: +1 (646) 838-2458,,88328055# (Dial-in Number) English (United States) Conference ID: 88328055

November 2, 2018 Meeting Minutes workgroup4_issues.docx

November 3, 2018 Meeting Minutes themis_workgroups_1-3_issues_log.docx

Workgroup members

projects/workgroups/themis.1556553640.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/29 16:00 by galiat