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Split up living Provider/OrganizationPick based on transaction, develop conventions/Leave all in one
Place of ServiceClean up, make international
Place of Service when different in facility and professional claims
Indirect, direct (immediate cause), and originDeath Type Concept
Multiple records - same dayallow
Multiple records - different daydon't allow
Events after deathGrace period/event count with threshold/Move death date/Move event dates/remove/relegate to History of
Privacy rules for suppressionData provider's problem
Birth year after the database endsDefine quality conventions
Glean month if birth absent e.g. from Observation Period starting same yearETLer's problem, not recommended
HIPAA Rule says no <2 and >85Develop guidelines
Gender vs SexSubmit to WG
Multiple gendersPick latest/Pick earliest
Multiple ethnicitiesPick latest/Pick earliest
Multiple racesPick latest/Pick earliest
No year of birth or 0Drop patient
Keep if no other record in other dataKeep
Primary provider unknownLeave blank
Split up living Provider/OrganizationSee Care Site
More than on provider of hospitalization, in charge, general, specialist, prescriptionPick by transaction type
Multiple Care SitesThrough Visit
No Care SitesLeave blank
NPI with multiple namesIgnore
Multiple specialtiesCreate multiple entries with flag/pick
SpecialtyClean up
projects/workgroups/themis/focusgroup4.1509012913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/26 10:15 by cgreich