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Low quality recordsKick out/create variable for CDM WG
Data inclusionCreate summary guideline, report % loss
Start Date before Observation PeriodHistory of/First date of Observation Period
End Date - same day issue
Socioeconomic, marital, languageCreate conventions for Concepts
Concepts privacy issuesData deleted for privacy in record/Mark deletions in metadata/Establish Black List/Remove patients entirely/Set to 0
Convert data from surveys?Keep in Observation/Add, with explicit Type Concept
Dedup?Pick the highest Type Concept
Clean up Type ConceptsKeep precedence, drop visit type
Derive pregnancies?Introduce
Visit_occurrence_id mandatory?
ICD Source value: With or without dotsIrrelevant with mandatory Source Concepts
Duplicates for same dayDon't dedup
End date guessing for prescribed, administered, mail-ordered
SigClean up and develop standard
Contradiction between Sig, end date, days supply, amountETLer's problem
Dose Era logic
Patient reported drugsUse
Stop reasonConsider abolishing after polling
Link between orders, administration, dispensing and fillingPublish guidelines
HCPCS and NDC on same lineConsider heuristic for picking
J code unitsConsider placing in quantity field
NDC9 to 11 mapping contradictionsConsider polling and vocab fix
NDC non-unique Concepts over timeCreate Black List
projects/workgroups/themis/focusgroup3.1509018869.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/26 11:54 by cgreich