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Phenotyping workgroup


Project Leads: Martijn Schuemie, PhD,Marc Suchard, MD, PhD

The plan:

  • Jan 2015: final XPRESS pipeline ready
  • March 2015: 10 models built
  • May 2015: Test portability of 10 models
  • July 2015: Run the XPRESS vs. “queries” comparison at a non-stanford site.
  • Oct 2015: Decide the approach to use in OHDSI

Levels of membership/commitment:

* Prioritizing the list of phenotypes to build models for * Apply a trained model at your site and assess performance (i.e. examine portability) * Run the XPRESS pipeline, and build models for a set of phenotypes. * Get in the guts of the pipeline, mess with feature engineering, etc. * Try different approaches (models for episodic events)

The commitments (all tentative, please think about finalizing):

George Hripsack (+ Barnett Chiu, Sunny Chang): * Apply a trained model from other sites. * Run XPRESS for new phenotypes.

Nicholas Tatonetti (+ Alexandre Yahi) * Prioritizing phenotypes * Applying a trained model from other sites

Jon Duke (+ need name) * Apply a trained model from other sites * Run XPRES to build new models

[thinking about availability] * Tiffany Callahan (UC Denver, biostats) * Daniella Meeker (Cheryl Chiu)

Start Date: January 2015.

Repository: TBD

WG Minutes: Need to find a good place

WG Agendas: Need to find a good place


Schedule: Ad hoc

Call in Number: Need to add

Attendee access code: Need to add

Minutes and Agendas

To add


projects/workgroups/phenotyping.1416406132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/19 14:08 by jbanda