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PENELOPE Workgroup

Objective: Our tool: PENELOPE (Personalized Exploratory Navigation and Evaluation for Labels Of Product Effects)

Our goal: Make evidence personally useful

Our deliverable: a fully-functional, open-source web-based application that synthesizes LAERTES and observational evidence within a product label framework

Our release: Jon to do live demo of software at OHDSI Symposium on 20 October 2015

Project Co-Lead: Jon Duke, MD

Project Co-Lead: Patrick Ryan, PhD


- Richard D. Boyce, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

- Matt Levine, Columbia University

- Anthony Sena, Janssen Research and Development

- Erica A. Voss, MPH, Janssen Research and Development

- Hamed Abedtash, Indiana University

Start Date: 6/29/2015


WG Agenda and Minutes: Penelope WG Minutes

PENELOPE Planning Document: Planning data for each section

Meetings (Telecon Info)

Meeting information

Topic: PENELOPE Date: Every 2 weeks on Monday, from Monday, June 29, 2015 to Monday, October 19, 2015 Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) Meeting Number: 270 566 258 Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

To start or join the online meeting

Go to

Teleconference information

Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-5659999 (US) Call-in number: 1-617-9392838 (US) Show global numbers: Host access code: 856 576 61 Attendee access code: 283 060 06

Global Access Numbers: Brazil Toll Free: 0800 047 4619 Brazil Toll: 55 1147001574 Philippines Toll Free: 180014410096



GitHub Issues

projects/workgroups/penelope.1440438378.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/24 17:46 by rkboyce