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Patient-Level Prediction Workgroup


The overall objective of this workgroup (WG) is to establish a standardized process for developing accurate and well-calibrated patient-centered predictive models that can be utilized for multiple outcomes of interest and can be applied to observational healthcare data from any patient subpopulation of interest.

Effective exploitation of the massive dataset available in the OMOP CDM demands novel methodology and an interdisciplinary approaches to deal with the by nature sparse and irregular-spaced longitudinal EHR data. Dimensionality reduction methods will be assessed and developed to deal with the massive amount of data. Furthermore, the WG will develop methods to leverage temporal information and will study how to incorporate expert knowledge, e.g. automatically extracted prior knowledge from LAERTES, to improve the performance of the prediction models.

The WG aims to develop the open source Person-Level Assessment of Treatment Outcomes (PLATO) tool integrated in the OHDSI framework. This would allow all OHDSI members to produce individualized risk for all medical interventions and all health outcomes of interest, based on personal demographics, medical history, and health behaviors.

Links: Jamia Paper 2018 Describing our Framework for PLP

Project Lead: Peter Rijnbeek, PhD

Project Co-Lead: Jenna Reps, PhD


Alexandros Rekkas, MSc, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Adler Perotte, MD, Columbia University New York
Andrew Williams, PhD, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Anthony Sena, Janssen Research & Development
Ban Tawfik, PhD, IQVIA
Daniel Prieto, MD PhD, NDORMS, University of Oxford
David Dorr, MD, MS, Oregon Health & Science University
David Kent, PhD, Tufts Medical Center
David Madigan, PhD, Columbia University New York
David Sontag, PhD, NYU, New York
Ewout Steyerberg, PhD, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Feifan Liu, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School
George Hripcsak, MD, MS, Columbia University, New York
Gwyn Jones, PhD, IMS Health
Hamed Abedtash, PharmD, Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing
Harietta Eleftherochorinou, PhD, IQVA
Henrik John, MSc, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jack LI, PhD, Taipei Medical University
James Weaver, MPH, MS, Janssen Research & Development
Jenna Reps (co-lead), PhD, Janssen Research & Development
Johan van der Lei, MD, PhD, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Joydeep Ghosh, PhD, Unversity of Texas at Austin
Ken Jung, Stanford University
Kenney Ng, IBM Research
Klara Berensci, MSc, AARHUS University, Denmark
Li Xiaochun, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine
Lisa Schilling, MD, MSPH, University of Colorado
Marc Suchard, MD, PhD, University of California
Martijn Schuemie, PhD, Janssen Research & Development
Mihaela van der Schaar, PhD, UCLA Electrical Engineering Department
Narges Razavian, PhD, NYU, New York
Nick Tatonetti, PhD, Columbia University, New York
Nicole Pratt, PhD, University of South Australia
Niklas Noren, PhD, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Uppsala Sweden
Patrick Ryan, PhD, Janssen Research & Development
Peter Rijnbeek (lead), PhD, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Philippe Ravaud, PhD, Centre de Recherche Inserm Epidémiologie et Statistique Paris Sorbonne Cité
Rae Woong Park, PhD, MS Ajou university School of Medicine
Raphaël Porcher, PhD, Centre de Recherche Inserm Epidémiologie et Statistique Paris Sorbonne Cité
Rebecca L Barter, UC Berkeley
Richard Boyce, PhD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Robert Zusterzeel, PhD, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of the FDA
Ross Williams, MSc, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sarah Poole, Stanford University
Seng Chan You, MD, MS Ajou university School of Medicine
Suchi Saria, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Shelby Martin, MS, RD, Oregon Health & Science University
Sheena Miller, BA, Oregon Health & Science University
Uri Shalit, PhD, New York University
Usman Iqball, PhD, Taipei Medical University
Tomas Bergvall, PhD, Uppsala monitoring Centre, Uppsala Sweden
Zixiao Shen, School of Computer Science, University Nottingham, UK

Start Date: January 2016

WG Recordings:

2019 Western Hemisphere Meetings

2019-07-11: RecordingSlides
2019-06-19: RecordingSlides
2019-05-15: Recording
2019-04-10: Recording Slides
2019-03-13: Recording

2018 Western Hemisphere Meetings
2018-02-21: Recording Slides
2018-03-21: Recording Slides
2018-04-25: Recording Slides
2018-05-16: Recording Slides
2018-06-13: Recording

2018 Eastern Hemisphere Meetings
2018-02-28: Recording Slides
2018-03-28: Recording Slides
2018-04-25: Recording Slides

2017 Western Hemisphere Meetings
2017-01-11: Recording Slides
2017-02-08: Recording Slides
2017-03-08: Recording Slides
2017-03-22: Recording Slides
2017-04-15: TC Jenna to be added
2017-05-31: Recording Slides
2017-08-23: Recording Slides
2017-09-06: Recording Slides
2017-11-01: Recording Slides

2017 Eastern Hemisphere Meetings
2017-01-18: Recording Slides
2017-02-02: Recording Slides
2017-02-15: Recording Slides
2017-03-15: Recording Slides
2017-03-29: Recording Slides
2017-04-26: Recording Slides
2017-05-10: Recording Slides
2017-06-07: Recording Slides
2017-08-16: Recording Slides
2017-10-25: Recording Slides

2016-01-13: Recording Slides
2016-01-27: Recording Slides
2016-02-20: Recording Slides
2016-02-24: Recording Slides
2016-03-09: Recording Slides
2016-04-06: Recording Slides
2016-04-20: Recording Slides
2016-05-18: Recording Slides
2016-06-01: Recording Slides
2016-06-15: Recording Slides
2016-06-28: Recording Slides
2016-07-27: Recording Slides
2016-09-07: Recording
2016-10-19: Recording Slides
2016-11-02: Recording Slides
2016-11-30: Recording Slides

Github: Repository:

Meetings (Telecon Info)

Meeting information

There is a monthly Eastern and Western Hemisphere meeting of the PLP group on Wednesdays:

Eastern Hemisphere (Monthly as of 2018-02-28):

3 pm Hong Kong / Taiwan
4 pm South Korea
5.30 pm Adelaide
8 am UK time
9 am Central European time \\          

Western Hemisphere (Monthly as of 2018-2-21):

6 pm Central European time
5 pm Uk time
12 pm New York
9 am Los Angeles / Stanford

The gotomeeting details are identical for both meetings:

1. Please join my meeting.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 084 055
Australia: +61 2 8355 1034
Austria: +43 7 2088 1036
Belgium: +32 (0) 28 93 7002
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9372
Denmark: +45 89 88 03 61
Finland: +358 (0) 942 45 0382
France: +33 (0) 170 950 586
Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7206
Ireland: +353 (0) 19 030 053
Italy: +39 0 693 38 75 53
New Zealand: +64 4 974 7243
Norway: +47 23 96 01 18
Spain: +34 932 20 0506
Sweden: +46 (0) 853 527 818
Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3311 20
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0098
United States: +1 (571) 317-3116

Access Code: 972-917-661 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 972-917-661

Github Issues:

projects/workgroups/patient-level_prediction.1567772070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/06 12:14 by prijnbeek