The OHDSI genomics data model and FHIR genomics resources (David Fasel, Columbia University)
The FHIR/OMOP mappings and DAF implementation details (Hugh Gordon)
The FHIR STU3/OMOP mappings review (Myung Choi/Richard Starr)
Discussion about the template format for shared mappings
Other items (please add)
Meeting Notes
David Fasel presented his work on producing an genomics data model on OHDSI CDM, looking at OHDSI Observation Resources and referencing FHIR/GA4GH genomics data models/schemas.
Discussions around target use cases, the flexibility of VCF vs. standardization
It would be helpful to form a sub-group to discuss some modeling details (Action Item 1 for David - Can you share the modeling documents and co-lead the genomics sub-group?)
Hugh Gordon presented the pSCANNER DAF3 pilot project in terms how the OMOP/FHIR mappings are created and implemented.
Mapping challenges include 1) no Death resource in FHIR; 2) no resources in FHIR handling clinical notes; and others (see slides - Action Item 2)
Discussion points include 1) the choice of using the FHIR extensions vs. profiles (Myung); 2) whether StructureMap/ConceptMap can be used to record/execute mappings (Eric - Action Item 3 - working with Myung for identifying use cases); 3) potential role of the FHIR metadata vocabulary (Harold - Action Item 4 - Providing more information about the FHIR metadata vocabulary); and 4) whether source code is available for the DAF mapping implementations (Action Item 5 for Hugh/Daniella) .
A shared spreadsheet should be created to include all mappings from different groups. (Action Item 6 for Myung)
Guoqian will follow up with the group to figure out the follow up items for next meeting. (Action Item 7)
projects/workgroups/ohdsi_fhir_wg_monthly_meeting_on_july_19_2017.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/19 18:54 by gjiang