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OHDSI GIS Working Group


Expand the OMOP CDM and leverage OHDSI tools so that patients’ environmental exposure histories can be related to their clinical phenotypes. The group will define a new CDM-compatible schema that accommodates four types of exposures: Environmental toxins; social determinants of health; access to healthcare; and the built environment. It will identify or develop local and standard vocabularies and mappings that follow the CDM’s data model for healthcare concepts. Modifications to existing CDM tables will be defined that enable longitudinal residence, workplace, and school location histories. New schema for geographic regions and their attributes will be defined. Atlas tools for data characterization, visualization, cohort definition, and analysis will be modified to allow environmental exposures be treated in an equivalent way to health care exposures. New visualization tools will be developed and added to Atlas that visualize the locations of cohorts with overlaid maps of health-related geographic attributes. New analytic packages will be added to the methods library for analysis of spatially-correlated data.

Project Leads:

Robert Miller, Andrew Williams




Weekly - Monday at 10:00am EST


WebEx Join Meeting
Meeting Number 735 317 239
Password gaia
Call in Number +1-617-627-6767
Access code 735 317 239


Date Status Topic Recording
August 14 Completed Collaboration with AEGIS group Link
August 21 Completed Schema Discussion Link
August 28 Completed Schema Discussion Link
Sept 4 Cancelled Labor day
Sept 11 Cancelled misc.
Sept 18 Completed Schema Discussion Link
Sept 25 Completed Schema/GIS data format Link
Oct 2 Completed Schema/Vocabularies cont.
Oct 30 Completed environmental exposure table Link
Nov 6 Completed environmental exposure table Link
Nov 13 Completed environmental exposure table Link
Nov 20 Scheduled multiple exposure tables?
projects/workgroups/gis.1510847366.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/16 15:49 by rtmill