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CDM and Vocabulary Development Working Group

Audience: Everybody who has ideas or needs to make changes to the OMOP CDM and Standardized vocabularies. Contact us if you want to be a permanent member.

Objectives: Develop the OMOP Common Data Model for the purpose of systematic, standardized and large-scale analytics applied to clinical patient data. Improve the quality of the Standardized Vocabularies, to increase their coverage of especially international coding systems and clinical aspects of patient care. The purpose is to facility standardized analytics, as developed in some of the other working groups.

Project Leads: Christian Reich, Rimma Belenkaya, Patrick Ryan

Meetings: Every first Tuesday at 1pm EST (after the OHDSI meeting):

Meeting number: 738 554 364
Meeting password: OMOP

Join by phone
US: 610-244-3377
US toll-free: 855-633-8467
UK: +44-203-075-5950
DE: +49-69-6604-4065
Conference ID: 14916110
Host PIN: 6110

Running agenda and notes

Workgroup members

2016 Goals

Current Activities

Workgroup Documents

CDM Documentation

DDL for various platforms|

Vocabulary Repository

projects/workgroups/cdm-wg.1478028131.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/01 19:22 by cgreich