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Adding PROM data to CDM

  • Requestor: Colin Orr and Catherine Kerr, ICON plc
  • Discussion: here


ICON plc is currently engaged in a project with ICHOM (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement). “ICHOM's mission is to unlock the potential of value-based healthcare by defining global Standard Sets of outcome measures that really matter to patients for the most relevant medical conditions and by driving adoption and reporting of these measures worldwide.”

ICHOM brings together patient representatives, clinician leaders, and registry leaders from all over the world to develop Standard Sets, comprehensive yet parsimonious sets of outcomes and case-mix variables for specific medical conditions that we recommend all providers track.

Each Standard Set focuses on patient-centered results, and provides an internationally-agreed upon method for measuring each of these outcomes. We do this because we believe that standardized outcomes measurement will open up new possibilities to compare performance globally, allow clinicians to learn from each other, and rapidly improve the care we provide our patients.

Our Standard Sets include baseline conditions and risk factors to enable meaningful case-mix adjustment globally, ensuring that comparisons of outcomes will take into account the differences in patient populations across not just providers, but also countries and regions. We also include high-level treatment variables to allow stratification of outcomes by major treatment types. A comprehensive data dictionary, as well as scoring guides for patient-reported outcomes is provided for each Standard Set.


ICON plc is developing a platform to ingest, store and analyse the outcome measures and is using the OMOP Common Data Model to store the data. The current CDM satisfies many of the requirements, but there are some gaps, specifically:

  1. We need to store data relating to each PROM (Patient_reported Outcome Measure) questionnaire that is completed by a patient. We propose introducing a new SURVEY table.
  2. The patient responses are stored as key-value pairs in the OBSERVATION table, but we need to be able to group responses together according to the survey they belong to. We propose adding a new column - SURVEY_ID - to the OBSERVATION table.

SURVEY table

Field Required Type Description
SURVEY_ID Yes integer Unique identifer for each completed survey
SURVEY_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a survey Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies
PERSON_ID Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Person in the PERSON table about whom the survey was completed
VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID No integer A foreign key to the visit in the visit table during which the the treatment was carried out that relates to this survey
SURVEY_DATE Yes date Date on which the survey was completed
ASSISTED_IND_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a data source Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies
ASSISTED_IND No varchar(10) ICHOM code representing whether patient required assistance to complete the survey - 1=Completed without assistance, 2=Completed with assistance
DATA_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a data source Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies
DATA_SOURCE No varchar(10) ICHOM code representing role of person who completed the survey - e.g. 1=Administrative, 2=Clinician, 3=Patient-reported
TIMING_CONCEPT_ID No integer A foreign key that refers to a timing Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies
TIMING_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(100) Text string representing the timing of the survey
COLLECTION_METHOD_CONCEPT_ID No varchar(10) ICHOM code representing method of capturing responses in survey - e.g. 1=Paper, 2=Telephone, 3=Electronic Questionnaire
COLLECTION_METHOD No varchar(10) ICHOM code representing method of capturing responses in survey - e.g. 1=Paper, 2=Telephone, 3=Electronic Questionnaire
DURATION No varchar(50) Time taken to complete survey HH:MM:SS
SURVEY_SOURCE_VALUE Yes varchar(100) Unique identifier for each completed survey in source system
SURVEY_NAME No varchar(50) Name of the survey - e.g. HOOSPS, EQ5D-3L, VR12

OBSERVATION table - new columns

Field Required Type Description
SURVEY_ID No integer A foreign key to the survey in the SURVEY table to which the observation belongs
ADMIN_CODE No varchar(255)
ADMIN_CODE_VOCAB No varchar(100)
TIMING No varchar(100)

Use Cases

projects/workgroups/cdm-wg/add_survey_data.1496076561.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/29 16:49 by cmkerr