Alexander Davydov, MD
Technical Team Lead
Odysseus Data Services
Alexander Davydov is the Technical Team Lead for the Medical Vocabulary team in Odysseus Data Services. Alex and his team play an essential role in supporting the OMOP Standardized Vocabulary development forOHDSI, as well as the vocabulary needs in the OMOP CDM ETL-project-related mapping activities. Before joining OHDSI in 2018, he worked as a Clinical Microbiologist. He is a fully registered physician and obtained his Medical Doctor degree as well as his Doctor of Philosophy training from Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus. Alexander Davydov has collected extensive experience in the OMOP CDM conventions, particularly around the proper use of the vocabularies. Alex contributed to the CDM/Vocabulary, Vaccine vocabulary, Registry (formerly UK Biobank), ATC, and Oncology working groups.
Towards quality improvement of vaccine concept mappings in the OMOP vocabulary with a semi-automated method. Rashmie Abeysinghe, Adam Black, Denys Kaduk, et al. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 134, 2022.
Standardizing registry data to the OMOP Common Data Model: experience from three pulmonary hypertension databases. Biedermann, P., Ong, R., Davydov, A., et al. BMC Med Res Methodol, 21, 238 (2021).
Deep phenotyping of 34,128 adult patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in an international network study. Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 5009 (2020).
Risk of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational, retrospective study. August 2020, The Lancet Rheumatology 2(11).
Risk of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational, retrospective study. Jennifer C E Lane, James Weaver, Kristin Kostka, et. al. The Lancet Rheumatology.