Vote Now For The Featured Save Our Sisyphus Challenge Research Question

The “Save Our Sisyphus” Network Study Challenge will be a community activity this spring that brings our global collaborators together to lead a single study from idea to publication. This eight-week event will feature weekly tutorials on the Tuesday community calls to demonstrate the best practices developed within OHDSI to generate robust and reliable evidence. 

The OHDSI community will provide support through every step of the process, including designing an appropriate protocol, implementing a network analysis package, executing across OHDSI data partners, and preparing a manuscript for publication. The goal is to collaboratively complete this network study over the course of 8 weeks between late March and May, using the open-source tools and process that OHDSI has established.

In order to do the research, though, we must have a question to study. Thank you to everybody in the community who shared their suggested research ideas; four were selected for presentation on the March 7 community call, and now we ask the community to vote for one to be highlighted each week on the community call. We believe all four are terrific ideas, and we hope all four can be completed this spring, but we will focus on one during the community calls.

All four presentations and slides are available below. Please check them out and then vote for one to be featured during the spring.

Is fluoroquinolone use really associated with the development of aortic aneurysms

(Jack Janetzki, University of South Australia)

Amongst people with psoriasis, does exposure to Risankizumab increase the risk of venous thromboembolism while on treatment relative to other biologic therapies?

(Zenas Yiu, University of Manchester)

Characterization: incidence of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) during Multiple Sclerosis (MS) biologic exposure

(Thamir Alshammary, Almaarefa University)

Intravitreal Anti-VEGF and Kidney Failure

(Cindy Cai, Johns Hopkins University)
