Sigfried Gold
Researcher, Consultant, Developer
COMBINE Fellow (NSF Research Traineeship)
Semantic Network Visualization for Health Data Analytics
UMD iSchool, HCIL, sigfried.org
Sigfried Gold is an information visualization researcher and medical informaticist specializing in software and infrastructure to improve the productivity and quality of in silico studies of healthcare data, particularly around the use of standardized medical terminologies and common data models in distributed research networks. Sigfried consults as an informaticist and visualization designer. He is a devoted contributor to open science and open source projects including OHDSI, MCBK, and supergroup.js. Sigfried is currently a PhD student with the UMD College of Information Studies and HCIL, advised by Niklas Elmqvist and Leilani Battle. He built the Patient Profile visualization in ATLAS while consulting for Janssen Research and Development and is currently contracting as an OHDSI specialist to the National Library of Medicine.
Fung, Xu, Gold. “The Use of Inter-terminology Maps for the Creation and Maintenance of Value Sets.” AMIA Annual Symposium. American Medical Informatics Association, Washington, D.C. 2019.
Huser V, Mayer C, Williams N, Gold S, Fung KW. “Set of derived metadata elements for comparing cohorts from human clinical trials datasets and EHR.” OHDSI Symposium 2019.
Mayer C, Williams N, Gold S, Fung KW, Huser V. “Validation of Real World Data: Case study in hepatitis C.” OHDSI Symposium 2019.
Mayer C, Williams N, Gold S, Fung KW, Huser V. “Sharing of Individual Participant Data from Clinical Trials: General Comparison and HIV Use Case.” AMIA Annual Symposium, 2019.
Gold, Hochheiser, Boyce, Elmqvist. “P3 — Partition, Pivot, and Prune: Aggregated Semantic Graphs for Analyzing Medical Terminologies.” Visual Analytics in Healthcare, San Francisco, November 2018.
Gold, Batch, McClure, Jiang, Kharrazi, Saripalle, Huser, Weng, Roderer, Szarfman, Elmqvist, Gotz. “Infrastructures and Interfaces to Encourage Value Set Reuse for Health Data Analytics.” AMIA Annual Symposium. American Medical Informatics Association, San Francisco. November 2018.
Gold, Blacketer, Sena, and DeFalco. CHRONOS: Cohort exploration through individual patient profiles. Observational Health Data Sciences and Infomatics Symposium, Washington, DC. 2016.
Gold. “Interactive Visualization of Complex Clinical Research Metadata. “ 30th Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium. University of Maryland, 2013.
Gold. “Using Visualization to Explore Claims and EHR Data for Signal Strengthening. “ Drug Information Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2011.
Gold and Coster. “Visual Representation of Exposure Patterns in Drug Safety Research. “ 28th Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium, Electronic Health Record Informatics Workshop. University of Maryland, 2011.
Gold, Xie, Taylor, Szarfman and Coster. “A Sorting and Classification Method for
Interactive Visualization of Drug/Event Patterns across Many Patient Timelines.” 26th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management. Brighton, UK. 2010
Gold, Elhadad, Zhu, Cimino and Hripcsak. “Extracting Structured Medication Event Information from Discharge Summaries.” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium. Washington, DC. 2008. Received Distinguished Paper Award.
Zhu, Gold, Lai, Hripcsak and Cimino. “Using Timeline Displays to Improve Medication Reconciliation.” International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine: eTELEMED. 2009. Received Best Paper Award