Ron Stewart, MS,
Director Biostatistical Programming
Amgen Inc
Ron Stewart, MS, is the Director of Database Systems and Biostatistical Programming in the Data and Analytic Center (DAC) within the Center for Observational Research (CfOR) at Amgen, Inc. He leads a team of Real World Data (RWD) database administrators and biostatistical programmers who provide installation and quality control for Amgen’s RWD assets and also implement pharmacoepidemiological research studies as necessary across the drug development lifecycle. Ron received his MS in Epidemiology from Case Western Reserve University in 1998 and a BS in Computer Science from Cleveland State University in 1987.
Ron Stewart, MS
1 Amgen Center Drive, MS: 24-2-A
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
(t) 805-447-9344
(c) 805-490-5890
Stewart RE, Dennis LK, Dawson DV, Resnick MJ. A meta-analysis of risk estimates for prostate cancer related to tire and rubber manufacturing operations. J Occ and Env Med 1999; 41(12): 1079-1084.
Trupiano JK, Stewart RE, Misick C, Appelman HD, Goldblum JR. Gastric Stromal Tumors:
A Clinicopathologic Study of 77 Cases with Correlation of Features with Aggressive Clinical Behavior. Amer J of Surgical Pathology; Am J Surg Path 2002; 26(6): 705-714.
Dennis LK, Snetselaar LG, Nothwehr FK, Stewart RE. Developing a scoring method for evaluating dietary methodology in reviews of epidemiologic studies. J Am Dietetic Assoc 2003; 103(4); 483-487.
Dennis LK, Snetselaar LG, Smith BJ, Stewart RE, Robbins MEC. Problems with the Assessment of Dietary Fat in Prostate Cancer Studies. Am J Epidemiology 2004; 160: 436-444.
Goodwin F, Bowden C, Calabrese J, Paska W, Stewart R. Concomitant Use of Lamotrigine and Lithium in Bipolar I Disorder (abstract). American Psychiatric Association 56th Institute on Psychiatric Services, 2004.
Bradbury B, Critchlow C, Weir M, Stewart R, Krishnan M, Hakim R. Impact of elevated C-reactive protein levels on erythropoiesis-stimilating agent (ESA) dose and responsiveness in hemodialysis patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation; 2008, Oct 7 Epub.
Pullarkat V, Gernsheimer T, Wasser J, Newland A, Guthrie Jr T, de Wolf J, Stewart R, Berger D. Quantifying the reduction in immunoglobulin use over time in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura receiving romiplostim (AMG 531). American Journal of Hematology; 2009, 84(8);.538-540.
Barrett-Conner E, Wade S, Do T,Satram-Hoang S, Stewart R, Gao G, Macarios D. Treatment satisfaction and persistence among postmenopausal women on osteoporosis medications: 12-month results from POSSIBLE USTM. Ostoeporos Int, 2011; DOI 10.1007/s00198-011-1620-3.