This is an old revision of the document!
To create a new study, login to the Wiki and then:
1) Click the Edit (Pencil) button to the right of this page. Copy all the text.
2) Go to the Protocols under Development page. Click Edit.
3) Add the name of your study to the list. Hit Save.
4) Click on your new study's page. Hit edit. Paste in the text you copied and edit away!
Objective: <summarize study objective>
Rationale: <summarize study rationale>
Project Lead(s): <initial proposers, list may grow>
Coordinating Institution(s): <your institution>
Additional Participants: <usually blank initially, list will grow as individuals are added who are not project leads>
Full Protocol: <if available, a link to protocol. not necessary for initial planning>
Initial Proposal Date:
Launch Date: <fill out once finalized>
Study Closure Date: <fill out once finalized>
Results Submission: <method of sumission, eg. Email or SFTP>
CDM: <V4 or V5 or both>
Table Accessed: <e.g., person, drug_exposure, observations>
Database Dialects: SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle
Software: «e.g., R>
Post a thread letting everyone know about this new proposed study at