This is an old revision of the document!
Objective: <summarize study objective>
Rationale: <summarize study rationale>
Project Lead(s): <initial proposers, list may grow>
Coordinating Institution(s): <your institution>
Additional Participants: <usually blank initially, list will grow as individuals are added who are not project leads>
Full Protocol: <if available, a link to protocol. not necessary for initial planning>
Initial Proposal Date:
Launch Date: <fill out once finalized>
Study Closure Date: <fill out once finalized>
Results Submission: <method of sumission, eg. Email or SFTP>
CDM: <V4 or V5 or both>
Table Accessed: <e.g., person, drug_exposure, observations>
Database Dialects: SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle
Software: «e.g., R>