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Sites with Data in CDM Format

October 2014 survey identified a list of 58 sites. This wiki list represents a dynamic list of sites (updated by members)

Edit the page to add your site (enter size in thousands of patients; eg, 14 000k (=14 million).

United States

National datasets (via IMEDS Lab)


  • size: 141 000k
  • type: claims
  • status: CDMv4 complete


  • size: 4 000k
  • type: claims
  • status: CDMv4 complete

Regional datasets

Regenstrief institute

  • size: 11 900K
  • type: EHR
  • status: CDMv4 complete

BTRIS (NIH Clinical Center)

  • size: 500k
  • type: EHR + CTMS data
  • status: CDMv4 partially complete

GeriOHDSI (University of Pittsburgh)

  • size: 5k (nursing home patients)
  • type: drug dispensing and CMS Minimum Data Set data
  • status: CDMv4 ETL completed, loaded data undergoing validation for research

Stanford STRIDE

  • size: 1 250 K
  • type: EHR
  • status: CDMv5 complete - minor data cleaning in progress

Columbia University Medical Center / NewYork-Presbyterian

  • size: 4 300K
  • type: EHR
  • status: CDMv4 complete




research/list_of_sites.1427818576.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/31 16:16 by hripcsa