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PPI (Participant Provided Information)

PPI is a coding system for questionnaires and self-completed surveys, that is provided by the All of Us Research Program.


All PPI information is manually obtained from the All of Us PPI Codebook.


PPI Questionnaire layout consists of Modules, Topics, Questions, and Answers.

PPI source type value Description
Module A superior PPI entity representing a thematic set of topics, questions, and answers.
Currently, the following Modules are available:
1) Consent PII
2) Refresher Consent
3) EHR Consent PII
4) Family History
5) Personal Medical History
6) Healthcare Access & Utilization
7) Lifestyle
8) Overall Health
9) The Basics
10 PMI
Topic A semantic module section containing a thematic set of questions or answers
Question A multiple-choice or open-ended question requesting information
Answer An answer representing a defined statement or free text

Concept Names

PPI source names are represented in a “display” field. However, to avoid concept name duplicates, modified PPI names have been made through the parsing of their source codes (values of a “pmi_code” field). Original “display” values were put into the CONCEPT_SYNONYM table.

Standard concept

If a PPI concept has a standard LOINC or SNOMED equivalent, it is considered to be Non-standard. If a PPI concept does not have a standard LOINC or SNOMED equivalent, it is considered to be Standard.

Domains and Concept Classes

PPI source type value Concept Class Domain
Module Module Observation
Topic Topic Observation
Question Question Observation
Answer Answer Observation
Protocol modification PPI Modifier Observation
Physical measurement Clinical Observation Measurement

Internal PPI relationships

A purpose of Internal PPI relationships is to build a PPI Hierarchy, which makes it easier to understand the relations between PPI concepts of different types.

Relationship From To Reverse Relationship
PPI parent code of PPI Module - Respective PPI Topic
- Respective PPI Question
- Respective PPI Answer
Has PPI parent code
PPI Topic - Respective PPI Topic
- Respective PPI Question
- Respective PPI Answer
PPI Question - Respective PPI Topic
- Respective PPI Question
- Respective PPI Answer
PPI Answer - Respective PPI Question OR Topic
Answer of (PPI) PPI Answer - Respective Standard PPI Question Has answer (PPI)
Maps to PPI Module The same PPI Module as a Standard concept Mapped from
PPI Topic The same PPI Topic as a Standard concept
PPI Question The same PPI Question as a Standard concept
PPI Modifier The same PPI Modifier as a Standard concept
PPI Clinical Observation The same PPI Clinical Observation as a
Standard concept
Maps to (obligatory with “Maps to value”) PPI Answer Standard PPI Question or Topic Mapped from
Is a PPI Topic - Parental Standard PPI Module
- Parental Standard PPI Topic
- Parental Standard PPI Question
PPI Question - Parental Standard PPI Module
- Parental Standard PPI Topic
- Parental Standard PPI Question

External PPI relationships

A purpose of Internal of External PPI relationships is the following:

  • to build PPI-LOINC-SNOMED hierarchical crosswalks based on the Internal PPI Hierarchy.
  • to simplify s cross-analysis of patient-related information with a context of combined use of the PPI and such a coding system as either the LOINC or SNOMED.
Relationship From To Reverse Relationship
Answer of (PPI) PPI Answer Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent of a parental Non-standard PPI Question Has answer (PPI)
Maps to PPI Question Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent Mapped from
PPI Clinical Observation Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent
Maps to (obligatory with “Maps to value”) PPI Answer Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent of a parental Non-standard PPI Question or Topic Mapped from
Maps to value (obligatory with “Maps to”) PPI Answer Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent of an Answer value Value mapped from
Is a PPI Question Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent of a parental PPI concept Subsumes
PPI Topic Standard LOINC/SNOMED equivalent of a parental PPI concept

Hierarchical crosswalks

The PPI Hierarchical crosswalks include only standard concepts. A PPI standard concept value depends on the existence of an equivalent mapping either to the SNOMED or LOINC. In turn, a standard SNOMED/LOINC equivalent, if present, takes place of a non-standard PPI concept in the Internal PPI Hierarchy and adopts all its ancestors and descendants.

Mapping logic

1) Mapping of PPI Questions. Note, that for the answers-containing Topics the same logic was used.

2) Mapping of Answers

3) Mapping of Measurements

documentation/vocabulary/ppi.1578496384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/08 15:13 by ptalapova