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The following sections detail the process for setting up Atlas and its dependencies.



The first prerequisite for ATLAS is to Install the OHDSI WebAPI and configure the appropriate sources.


To use the Data Sources feature within ATLAS you must first setup and execute ACHILLES in your environment. Once you have successfully generated summary statistics, you are ready to configure ATLAS to use this information.

Please note: If you utilized Achilles prior to v1.4, please refer to the article Achilles v1.5.0 Dependencies For WebAPI/Atlas as Atlas/WebAPI v2.2.0 will require some additions to the Achilles output.

ATLAS Installation (V2.2.0 and later)

Begin by downloading the latest release of ATLAS from GitHub.

Install the release onto a web server such that the application will be reachable via a URL such as:


Under the Atlas root folder, create the file /js/config-local.js to configure the application. Please note: the file /js/config-local.js is not included in the Atlas repository. This is by design so that you may have environment-specific configuration. Config-local.js will override the settings found in /js/config.js as shown here:

define([], function () {
	var configLocal = {};
	configLocal.api = {
		name: 'My Organization Name',
		url: ''
	return configLocal;

In the example above, the /js/config-local.js overrides the corresponding “.api” property found in /js/config.js and allows for custom configuration for your environment. The same pattern can be used to override the other settings in /js/config.js.

Once this is complete, you should now be able to navigate to ATLAS from your web browser.


ATLAS Installation Archive

documentation/software/atlas/setup.1508259421.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/17 16:57 by anthonysena