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Save the dates

  • Diagnosis and Treatment proposal presentations to the CDM WG have been scheduled for August 7th and September 4th at 1 pm EST
  • Cancer Data Standardization Panel has been accepted for the 2018 AMIA Symposium in San Francisco. It will take place on November 6, at 1:45 pm.

Next meeting will take place on one of Tuesdays in July, at 11 am EST. Please stay tuned.

Presentation of prostate Cancer OMOP representation and predictive models by Martin Seneviratne and Tina Hernandez-Boussard

Cancer/Treatment Complications

  • Colin Orr will collect various use cases of cancer complications
  • Please add your use cases
  • We will discuss these use cases and ideas of representing them in the CDM at one of the next meetings
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2018_jun-19.1529604932.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/21 18:15 by rimma_belenkaya1