Common Data Model (CDM)
Convert Database to CDM (ETL)
Tool Specific Documentation
Common Data Model (CDM)
Convert Database to CDM (ETL)
Tool Specific Documentation
1. Discussion with NCI vocabulary team is scheduled for May 30th. Only people who signed up for doodle would be sent invites.
2. Volunteers to look up cancer treatment domain as below:
Michael: Radiation therapy/ Active Surveillance
Guoqian: Chemotherapy
Don: Immunotherapy/Targeted and hormonal therapy
Andrew: Palliative Care
Rimma: Surgery
3. Michael will continue exploration of the mappings between ICD-O & SNOMED (using CURLSIMPLEMAPSET_F). Rimma will do a similar exploration between ICD-O and NCI Thesaurus.
4. Don suggested to explore use cases, including types of source data and analytical questions via a shared google document.