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* Update on the cancer diagnosis mapping POC implementation - Dima/Anna

* Review of immunotherapy, targeted and hormonal therapies details - Don Exploration of NCI oncology drug mappings to OHDSI vocabulary Current mappings of NCI oncology drugs to OHDSI vocabulary

* Review of chemotherapy treatment options for breast cancer - Guoqian Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs

* Review of surgical treatments - Rimma Surgical treatment ovreview To-do list:

  • All: explore publishing opportunities
  • Rimma: outline for the OHDSI symposium poster
  • Dima/Anna: continue with ICD-O to SNOMED mappings
  • Don: improve NCI cancer drug matching to OHDSI vocabulary, explore additional vocabularies
  • Guoqian: explore possibility of extraction cancer drug regimens at NAACCR and their representation on OMOP CDM
  • Rimma: find vocabulary and propose necessary CDM extension to adequately represent surgical treatments based on Cancer Registry representation
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2017_jul-25.1501446380.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/30 20:26 by rimma_belenkaya