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The group agreed to explore the onco domains in the following order:

  1. Diagnosis
  2. Treatment
  3. Outcomes survival
  4. Molecular biomarkers
  5. Pathology reports
  6. Imaging
  7. Performance status

Existing standards

· Tumor Registry, CDISC and SEER are the existing standards and efforts in harmonizing the data collection.

Exploratory data set · Christian would try putting together a working data set

ICD-O-3 overview

Michael Gurley's ICD-O-3 Presentation and proposal for CDM cancer diagnosis modeling

  • ICD-O-3 provides most granular representation of cancer diagnosis including anatomic side and morphological/behavior.
  • Diagnosis can be represented in condition_occurence

· Iker suggested that the ICD-O-3 could be mapped to SNOMED and agreed to provide some links to the group.

documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2017_apr_04.1491794581.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/10 03:23 by rimma_belenkaya1