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CDM and Vocabulary Working Group Running List

Process for adopting CDM and Vocabulary changes
Running Meeting Agendas

In active discussion

June meeting



Face-To-Face Notes


Need preparation

Proposals are now being housed as github issues. Please use this github proposal template to help you.

Proposal Author(s) Status
Country field in LOCATION table github issue Ajit Londhe
Projection/weight for each domain table Christian Reich
Certainty of Diagnosis Christian Reich
Addition of observed on admission to Condition_Occurrence table Clair Blacketer Closed, this was addressed by proposal #84
Add a food component reference table Clair Blacketer
address remaining gaps between eCQM elements/attributes and OMOP Daniella Meeker
Encounters, Care Transitions and Referral Information Daniella Meeker, Jennifer, Melanie
Provenance of data and source attribution Daniella Meeker
Allow drug classes to be used in drug_concept_id Dmitry Dymshyts, Hugh Kawabata
Revamping SMQs Don O'Hara
Procedure occurrence modifiergithub issue Evanette Burrows
Revision of tables included in the CDM Schema Frank DeFalco, Patrick Ryan Move to Forum?
Extension of visit concepts Lisa Shilling, Rimma Belenkaya Forum
De-integration of type conceptsgithub issue Rimma, Jennifer, Sigfried
Normalization of FACT RELATIONSHIP table into table fields Rimma, Sigfried
Dealing with more than one location over time Robert Miller
Visualization for navigating vocabularies, concepts, and concept relationships Sigfried Gold This now is a separate workgroup
Exploration of Support for Clinical Trial Data Vojtech Huser Forum
Harmonization of procedure concepts Vojtech Huser
Support for different Earth regions github issue Vojtech Huser
Deeper Semantic Standardization Vojtech Huser Forum
Drug route column in DRUG_ERA table Vojtech Huser
Split indication into labeled, off-label and contraindication
Adding PROM data to CDM github issue Catherine Kerr, Colin Orr
Define Genomics
Revise Observation Table
Vocabulary Conventions
Create simplified LOINC fields (without method)
Conceptualizing the drug_exposure.sig field
Representing granular Visits in visit_occurrence tablegithub_issue Gowtham Rao
Cost Table Changes (Add Person_id, Dates and normalize) github issue Gowtham Rao
Location Table Changes (Add latitude and longitude) github issue Gowtham Rao Forum
Care_Site Table Changes (Add place_of_service_source_concept_id) Gowtham Rao Forum
Split SNOMED into country-specific vocabularies John Snyder
Tobacco smoking conventions Don Torok, Rimma Belenkaya


Change Decision Implemented
Single cost table Accepted in version 5.0.1 23-June-2016
Conventions about days_supply and drug_exposure_end_date github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Drug quantity for solid and liquid preparations github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Add box (package) size and supplier to drug github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Expand the DRUG_STRENGTH table to all Concept Classes github issue Accepted in version 5.1 7-July-2017
Add handling of admission-discharge transfers (ADT) to CDM github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Add Condition Status to Condition_Occurrence github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Add Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) github issue Accepted in version 5.1.1 12-July-2017
Add datetime fields and keep date fields github issue Accepted in version 5.1 7-July-2017
Support of NLP github issue Accepted in version 5.2 27-July-2017
Denominator unit conventions and quantity units in DRUG_EXPOSURE github issue Accepted for future release Not yet released
Remove date fields and keep only datetime github issue Accepted for future release Not yet released
documentation/next_cdm.1501685516.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/02 14:51 by clairblacketer