Common Data Model (CDM)
Convert Database to CDM (ETL)
Tool Specific Documentation
Common Data Model (CDM)
Convert Database to CDM (ETL)
Tool Specific Documentation
This is an old revision of the document!
Requester: Durea family
Proposal to consolidate all current cost tables (Procedure_Cost, Drug_Cost, Device_Cost, Visit_Cost) in V5.0 into one single table. The table could be connected to any of the Domain tables (Procedure_Occurrence, Condition_Occurrence, Drug_Exposure, Device_Exposure, Observation, Measurement).
Instead of generating additional cost tables, each tied to a specific domain, perhaps we create a single, unified cost table to capture costs for all domains. visit_cost and device_cost share identical columns for tracking costs.
The discussion of this is here.
Field | Required | Type | Description |
cost_id | Yes | integer | A unique identifier for each COST record. |
cost_event_id | Yes | integer | A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded. |
cost_domain_id | Yes | string(20) | The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. |
currency_concept_id | No | integer | A concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar. |
charge | No | float | The amount charged by the provider of the good/service (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider). |
paid_copay | No | float | The amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses. Copay does not contribute to the out of pocket expenses. |
paid_coinsurance | No | float | The amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the Person's deductible is exceeded. |
paid_toward_deductible | No | float | The amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. |
paid_by_payer | No | float | The amount paid by the Payer. If there is more than one Payer, several DRUG_COST records indicate that fact. |
paid_by_coordination_benefits | No | float | The amount paid by a secondary Payer through the coordination of benefits. |
total_out_of_pocket | No | float | The total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses. |
total_paid | No | float | The total amount paid for the expenses of drug exposure. |
ingredient_cost | No | float | The portion of the drug expenses due to the cost charged by the manufacturer for the drug, typically a percentage of the Average Wholesale Price. |
dispensing_fee | No | float | The portion of the drug expenses due to the dispensing fee charged by the pharmacy, typically a fixed amount. |
cost | No | float | Cost of service/device/drug incurred by provider/pharmacy. Was “average_wholesale_price” which represented: “List price of a Drug set by the manufacturer”. |
payer_plan_period_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table, where the details of the Payer, Plan and Family are stored. |
amount_allowed | No | float | The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider. |
revenue_code_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes. |
revenue_code_source_value | No | string(50) | The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. |