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DOSE_ERA table

A Dose Era is defined as a span of time when the Person is assumed to be exposed to a constant dose of a specific active ingredient.

dose_era_idYesintegerA unique identifier for each Dose Era.
person_idYesintegerA foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the drug during the drug era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.
drug_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the active Ingredient Concept.
unit_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the unit concept.
dose_valueYesfloatThe numeric value of the dose.
dose_era_start_dateYesdateThe start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug.
dose_era_end_dateYesdateThe end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug.


  • Dose Eras will be derived from records in the DRUG_EXPOSURE table and the Dose information from the DRUG_STRENGTH table using a standardized algorithm.
  • Each Dose Era corresponds to one or many Drug Exposures that form a continuous interval and contain the same Drug Ingredient (active compound) at the same effective dose.
  • Dose Form information is not taken into account. So, if the patient changes between different formuations, or different manufacturers with the same formuation, the Dose Era is still spanning the entire time of exposure to the Ingredient.
documentation/cdm/dose_era.1469555725.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/26 17:55 by cgreich